In the 26 days of January, I've managed to see 250 vascular plant species. That's way more than I had anticipated. To be fair, some of those are not genuinely identifiable as they are. It's only the fact that I know what they are from previous recording that allows me to name a species (that watercress - is it fertile? Yes it ... will be). I've "only" visited 25 of the 81 land squares in the hectad. There are plants which I know are there but which I haven't bothered to visit. And some that I have (Sea Pearlwort on a roundabout in Dunfermline). I did also manage a whole session in a square outside NT18 because it didn't dawn on me that I'd boobed (despite writing NT0987 at the top of the page).
I came a cross a surprise Himalayan Honeysuckle in the woods this morning - in a square I've worked extensively. Never mind - it's only 2 metres tall and has clearly been growing there for years.
250 (251) species is 33% of the 757 species recorded from NT18 and 52% of the 482 species I've recorded in the hectad. Obviously, it's about 50% of the year target. Aside from sniffing around for early species (e.g. Spring Vetch), I'll probably more or lass take a break from plants for a week or two. On the other hand, I might decide to bash a few more of those squares and try and find some aquatics, or at least decent spots for aquatics.
Last year I submitted 748 records of vasculars on iRecord. This year so far - 763.
The list so far:
# | Scientific | English | Stace |
1 | Acaena novae-zelandiae (2005) 0 1 | Pirri-pirri-bur | 037-017 |
2 | Asplenium ruta-muraria (2021) 0 26 | Wall Rue | 014-001 |
3 | Dryopteris filix-mas (2020) 0 37 | Male-fern | 020-003 |
4 | Pinus sylvestris (2020) 0 18 | Scots Pine | 023-002 |
5 | Taxus baccata (2020) 0 9 | Yew | 026-001 |
6 | Ranunculus repens (2020) 0 67 | Creeping Buttercup | 036-013 |
7 | Aquilegia vulgaris (2020) 0 6 | Columbine | 036-017 |
8 | Sedum album (2020) 0 5 | White Stonecrop | 043-007 |
9 | Sedum sexagulare | Tasteless Stonecrop | 043-007 |
10 | Petrosedum forsterianum (2020) 0 1 | Rock Stonecrop | 043-010 |
11 | Trifolium dubium (2020) 0 30 | Lesser Trefoil | 046-027 |
12 | Trifolium pratense (2020) 0 33 | Red Clover | 046-027 |
13 | Trifolium repens (2020) 0 62 | White Clover | 046-027 |
14 | Ulex europaeus (2021) 0 60 | Gorse | 046-034 |
15 | Prunus spinosa (2020) 0 17 | Blackthorn | 048-008 |
16 | Cotoneaster × watereri (2019) 0 2 | Waterer's Cotoneaster | 048-017 |
17 | Crataegus monogyna (2021) 0 59 | Hawthorn | 048-021 |
18 | Filipendula ulmaria (2020) 1 27 | Meadowsweet | 048-022 |
19 | Rubus fruticosus agg. (2021) 0 83 | Bramble | 048-023 |
20 | Potentilla sterilis (2021) 0 30 | Barren Strawberry | 048-024 |
21 | Alchemilla mollis (2020) 0 5 | Soft Ladies-mantle | 048-035 |
22 | Geum urbanum (2021) 0 60 | Wood Avens | 048-999 |
23 | Ulmus glabra (2020) 0 27 | Wych Elm | 051-001 |
24 | Urtica dioica (2021) 1 88 | Nettle | 054-001 |
25 | Quercus robur (2020) 0 24 | Pedunculate Oak | 056-003 |
26 | Oxalis corniculata (2018) 0 1 | Procumbent Yellow-sorrel | 063-001 |
27 | Euphorbia amygdaloides (2018) 0 1 | Wood Spurge | 069-003 |
28 | Euphorbia helioscopia (2021) 0 7 | Sun Spurge | 069-003 |
29 | Euphorbia peplus (2020) 0 28 | Petty Spurge | 069-003 |
30 | Geranium lucidum (2021) 0 10 | Shining Crane's-bill | 071-001 |
31 | Geranium pyrenaicum (2021) 0 27 | Hedgerow Crane's-bill | 071-001 |
32 | Geranium robertianum (2021) 0 71 | Herb-Robert | 071-001 |
33 | Epilobium hirsutum (2020) 1 26 | Great Willowherb | 073-001 |
34 | Chamaenerion angustifolium (2020) 0 71 | Rosebay Willowherb | 073-002 |
35 | Acer pseudoplatanus (2021) 0 82 | Sycamore | 077-003 |
36 | Reseda luteola (2020) 0 23 | Weld | 085-001 |
37 | Capsella bursa-pastoris (2020) 0 32 | Shepherd's-purse | 087-005 |
38 | Cardamine flexuosa (2020) 0 35 | Wavy Bittercress | 087-011 |
39 | Cardamine hirsuta (2020) 0 13 | Hairy Bittercress | 087-011 |
40 | Lunaria annua (2020) 0 11 | Honesty | 087-014 |
41 | Erophila verna s.l. (2020) 0 8 | Common Whitlowgrass | 087-025 |
42 | Sisymbrium officinale (2020) 0 23 | Hedge Mustard | 087-038 |
43 | Cytisus scoparius (2020) 0 26 | Broom | 087-999 |
44 | Glechoma hederacea (2020) 0 20 | Ground-ivy | 087-999 |
45 | Lepidium didymum (2020) 0 3 | Lesser Swine-cress | 087-999 |
46 | Rumex obtusifolius (2021) 0 63 | Broad-leaved Dock | 092-010 |
47 | Stellaria media s.s. (2020) 0 47 | Common Chickweed | 094-007 |
48 | Silene dioica (2021) 0 45 | Red Campion | 094-020 |
49 | Rhododendron ponticum (2020) 0 12 | Rhododendron | 108-004 |
50 | Galium aparine (2021) 0 73 | Cleavers | 110-005 |
51 | Pentaglottis sempervirens (2021) 0 14 | Green Alkanet | 114-013 |
52 | Myosotis arvensis (2020) 0 37 | Field Forget-me-not | 114-019 |
53 | Myosotis ramosissima (2015) 0 4 | Early Forget-me-not | 114-019 |
54 | Digitalis purpurea (2021) 0 29 | Foxglove | 120-001 |
55 | Veronica agrestis (2020) 0 5 | Green Field-speedwell | 120-003 |
56 | Veronica persica (2021) 0 21 | Common Field-speedwell | 120-003 |
57 | Linaria purpurea (2020) 0 17 | Purple Toadflax | 120-011 |
58 | Plantago lanceolata (2021) 0 86 | Ribwort Plantain | 121-001 |
59 | Buddleja davidii (2020) 0 32 | Buddleia | 124-007 |
60 | Lamiastrum galeobdolon (2020) 0 7 | Yellow Archangel | 128-006 |
61 | Lamium album (2021) 0 32 | White Dead-nettle | 128-007 |
62 | Lamium purpureum (2021) 0 18 | Red Dead-nettle | 128-007 |
63 | Prunella vulgaris (2020) 0 28 | Selfheal | 128-016 |
64 | Ilex aquifolium (2021) 0 45 | Holly | 132-001 |
65 | Arctium lappa (2020) 0 2 | Greater Burdock | 135-003 |
66 | Cirsium arvense (2020) 0 72 | Creeping Thistle | 135-006 |
67 | Cirsium vulgare (2020) 0 31 | Spear Thistle | 135-006 |
68 | Centaurea nigra s.s. (2020) 0 35 | Hardheads | 135-013 |
69 | Hypochaeris radicata (2020) 0 30 | Cat's-ear | 135-020 |
70 | Sonchus oleraceus (2021) 0 45 | Smooth Sow-thistle | 135-027 |
71 | Bellis perennis (2021) 0 75 | Daisy | 135-067 |
72 | Tanacetum parthenium (2020) 0 22 | Feverfew | 135-068 |
73 | Achillea millefolium (2021) 0 55 | Yarrow | 135-071 |
74 | Leucanthemum vulgare (2020) 0 24 | Oxeye Daisy | 135-079 |
75 | Tripleurospermum inodorum (2020) 0 18 | Scentless Mayweed | 135-081 |
76 | Senecio inaequidens (2021) 0 23 | Narrow-leaved Ragwort | 135-083 |
77 | Senecio vulgaris (2021) 0 66 | Groundsel | 135-083 |
78 | Lapsana communis (2020) 0 42 | Nipplewort | 135-19 |
79 | Sambucus nigra (2020) 0 41 | Elder | 137-002 |
80 | Lonicera nitida (2020) 0 3 | Wilson's Honeysuckle | 138-005 |
81 | Dipsacus fullonum (2020) 0 8 | Wild Teasel | 140-001 |
82 | Hedera helix s.s. (2021) 0 62 | Ivy | 143-001 |
83 | Anthriscus sylvestris (2021) 0 34 | Cow Parsley | 145-013 |
84 | Heracleum sphondylium (2020) 0 59 | Hogweed | 145-030 |
85 | Aegopodium podagraria (2021) 0 17 | Ground-elder | 145-037 |
86 | Galanthus nivalis (2020) 0 13 | Snowdrop | 167-010 |
87 | Juncus effusus (2021) 1 34 | Soft-rush | 175-001 |
88 | Carex pendula (2014) 0 1 | Pendulous Sedge | 176-015 |
89 | Cynosurus cristatus (2020) 0 20 | Crested Dog's-tail | 177-999 |
90 | Poa annua (2020) 0 68 | Annual Meadow-grass | 177-999 |
91 | Blechnum spicant (2020) 0 7 | Hard-fern | 018-001 |
92 | Picea abies (2019) 0 7 | Norway Spruce | 020-003 |
93 | Helleborus foetidus (2020) 0 6 | Stinking Hellebore | 036-003 |
94 | Ficaria verna (2021) 0 29 | Lesser Celandine | 036-014 |
95 | Medicago arabica (2021) 0 7 | Spotted Medick | 046-026 |
96 | Cotoneaster bullatus (2020) 0 1 | hollyberry cotoneaster | 048-017 |
97 | Cotoneaster horizontalis (2020) 0 11 | Wall Cotoneaster | 048-017 |
98 | Betula pubescens (2020) 0 7 | Downy Birch | 059-001 |
99 | Hypericum androsaemum (2020) 0 26 | Tutsan | 064-001 |
100 | Mercurialis perennis (2020) 0 24 | Dog's Mercury | 069-001 |
101 | Geranium × oxonianum (2000) 0 1 | Druce's Crane's-bill | 071-001 |
102 | Cochlearia officinalis agg. (2015) 0 6 | Common Scurvygrass | 087-051 |
103 | Alliaria petiolata (2021) 0 32 | Garlic Mustard | 087-999 |
104 | Cerastium glomeratum (2020) 0 19 | Sticky Mouse-ear | 094-009 |
105 | Primula veris (2020) 0 13 | Cowslip | 105-001 |
106 | Primula vulgaris (2020) 0 8 | Primrose | 105-001 |
107 | Cymbalaria muralis (2021) 0 21 | Ivy-leaved Toadflax | 105-004 |
108 | Origanum vulgare (2020) 0 4 | Wild Marjoram | 128-021 |
109 | Thymus polytrichus (2020) 0 25 | Thyme | 128-022 |
110 | Matricaria discoidea (2020) 0 24 | Pineappleweed | 135-080 |
111 | Tripleurospermum maritimum s.s. (2020) 0 14 | Sea Mayweed | 135-081 |
112 | Senecio jacobaea (2019) 0 32 | Common Ragwort | 135-083 |
113 | Doronicum pardalianches (2020) 0 6 | Leopard's-bane | 135-091 |
114 | Petasites fragrans (2020) 0 1 | Winter Heliotrope | 135-093 |
115 | Lemna minor (2020) 1 11 | Common Duckweed | 147-010 |
116 | Iris foetidissima (2020) 0 6 | Stinking Iris | 165-004 |
117 | Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora (2020) 0 10 | Montbretia | 165-013 |
118 | Typha latifolia (2021) 1 21 | Bulrush | 172-002 |
119 | Dactylis glomerata (2020) 0 68 | Cocksfoot | 177-999 |
120 | Deschampsia cespitosa (2020) 1 24 | Tufted Hair-grass | 177-999 |
121 | Phalaris arundinacea (2020) 1 16 | Reed Canary-grass | 177-999 |
122 | Phragmites australis (2020) 0 7 | Common Reed | 177-999 |
123 | Artemisia vulgaris (2020) 0 22 | Mugwort | 135-069 |
124 | Polypodium vulgare s.s. (2019) 0 5 | Polypody | 021-001 |
125 | Mahonia aquifolium (2018) 0 2 | Oregon-grape | 035-002 |
126 | Alnus cordata (2017) 0 1 | Italian Alder | 059-002 |
127 | Daucus carota (2020) 0 6 | Carrot | 145-023 |
128 | Sorbus aria | Common Whitebeam | 048-014 |
129 | Hippophae rhamnoides (2020) 0 8 | Sea-buckthorn | 049-001 |
130 | Alnus glutinosa (2020) 1 27 | Alder | 059-002 |
131 | Geranium pusillum (2019) 0 2 | Small-flowered Crane's-bill | 071-001 |
132 | Ligustrum ovalifolium (2020) 0 5 | Garden Privet | 117-005 |
133 | Pimpinella saxifraga (2019) 0 15 | Burnet-saxifrage | 145-024 |
134 | Lagarosiphon major (new) | Curly Waterweed | 151-006 |
135 | Juncus inflexus (2019) 0 5 | Hard Rush | 175-001 |
136 | Equisetum fluviatile (2019) 0 10 | Water Horsetail | 005-001 |
137 | Pteridium aquilinum (2020) 0 30 | Bracken | 011-001 |
138 | Asplenium marinum (2008) 0 1 | Sea Spleenwort | 014-001 |
139 | Lotus corniculatus (2020) 0 34 | Common Bird's-foot-trefoil | 046-012 |
140 | Lathyrus pratensis (2020) 0 29 | Meadow Vetchling | 046-021 |
141 | Sorbus aucuparia (2020) 0 24 | Rowan | 048-014 |
142 | Rubus idaeus (2020) 0 30 | Raspberry | 048-023 |
143 | Potentilla reptans (2020) 0 13 | Creeping Cinquefoil | 048-024 |
144 | Geum rivale (2015) 0 3 | Water Avens | 048-999 |
145 | Parietaria judaica (2020) 0 15 | Pellitory-of-the-wall | 054-002 |
146 | Fagus sylvatica (2020) 0 31 | Beech | 056-001 |
147 | Betula pendula (2020) 0 22 | Silver Birch | 059-001 |
148 | Corylus avellana (2020) 0 14 | Hazel | 059-04 |
149 | Viola riviniana (2021) 0 37 | Common Dog-violet | 066-001 |
150 | Populus tremula (2019) 0 8 | Aspen | 068-001 |
151 | Aesculus hippocastanum (2018) 0 9 | Horse Chestnut | 077-002 |
152 | Armeria maritima (2020) 0 16 | Thrift | 091-001 |
153 | Rumex acetosa (2020) 0 24 | Common Sorrel | 092-010 |
154 | Rumex crispus (2020) 0 36 | Curled Dock | 092-010 |
155 | Rumex longifolius (2015) 0 2 | Northern Dock | 092-010 |
156 | Cerastium fontanum (2020) 0 32 | Common Mouse-ear | 094-009 |
157 | Silene uniflora (2020) 0 12 | Sea Campion | 094-020 |
158 | Claytonia sibirica (2020) 0 11 | Pink Purslane | 099-001 |
159 | Vaccinium myrtillus (2020) 0 8 | Bilberry | 108-013 |
160 | Pyrola minor | Common Wintergreen | 108-014 |
161 | Cruciata laevipes (2020) 0 9 | Crosswort | 110-006 |
162 | Fraxinus excelsior (2020) 0 40 | Ash | 117-003 |
163 | Plantago coronopus (2021) 0 13 | Buck's-horn Plantain | 121-001 |
164 | Plantago maritima (2020) 0 14 | Sea Plantain | 121-001 |
165 | Teucrium scorodonia (2020) 0 33 | Wood Sage | 128-012 |
166 | Mentha spicata (2019) 0 1 | Spear Mint | 128-024 |
167 | Tanacetum vulgare (2020) 0 15 | Tansy | 135-068 |
168 | Lonicera periclymenum (2020) 0 28 | Honeysuckle | 138-005 |
169 | Allium vineale (2016) 0 3 | Crow Garlic | 167-001 |
170 | Juncus acutiflorus (2018) 0 7 | Sharp-flowered Rush | 175-001 |
171 | Arrhenatherum elatius (2020) 0 66 | False Oat-grass | 177-999 |
172 | Lolium perenne (2020) 0 28 | Perennial Rye-grass | 177-999 |
173 | Asplenium scolopendrium (2020) 0 16 | Hart's-tongue | 014-001 |
174 | Arabidopsis thaliana (2020) 0 14 | Thale Cress | 087-002 |
175 | Brassica napus (2021) 0 8 | Rape | 087-028 |
176 | Senecio viscosus (2020) 0 7 | Sticky Groundsel | 135-083 |
177 | Cortaderia selloana (2016) 0 1 | Pampas-grass | 177-999 |
178 | Symphoricarpos orbicularis | Coralberry | |
179 | Pinus nigra (new) | Black Pine | 023-002 |
180 | Caltha palustris (2020) 1 18 | Marsh-marigold | 036-001 |
181 | Aphanes australis (2019) 0 3 | Slender Parsley-piert | 048-036 |
182 | Rosa rugosa (2020) 0 11 | Japanese Rose | 048-037 |
183 | Rumex sanguineus (2019) 0 7 | Wood Dock | 092-010 |
184 | Veronica officinalis (2019) 0 5 | Heath Speedwell | 120-003 |
185 | Senecio sylvaticus (2020) 0 8 | Heath Groundsel | 135-083 |
186 | Carex arenaria (2019) 0 2 | Sand Sedge | 176-015 |
187 | Carex otrubae (2020) 0 6 | False Fox-sedge | 176-015 |
188 | Brachypodium sylvaticum (2020) 0 18 | False Brome | 177-999 |
189 | Leymus arenarius (2020) 0 7 | Lyme-grass | 177-999 |
190 | Helmninthotheca echioides (new) | Bristly Ox-tongue | 128-024 |
191 | Sagina apetala (2015) 0 2 | Annual Pearlwort | 094-011 |
192 | Calluna vulgaris (2019) 0 6 | Heather | 108-008 |
193 | Erica cinerea (2005) 0 2 | Bell Heather | 108-009 |
194 | Galium saxatile (2020) 0 9 | Heath Bedstraw | 110-005 |
195 | Senecio squalidus (2020) 0 6 | Oxford Ragwort | 135-083 |
196 | Eriophorum vaginatum (2013) 0 1 | Hare's-tail Cottongrass | 176-001 |
197 | Ilex x altaclerensis (new) | Highclere Holly | 132-001 |
198 | Sasa palmata (2021) 0 3 | Broad-leaved Bamboo | 177-999 |
199 | Cotoneaster simonsii (2019) 0 6 | Himalayan cotoneaster | 048-017 |
200 | Aphanes arvensis | Parsley Piert | 048-036 |
201 | Geranium molle (2020) 0 28 | Dove's-foot Crane's-bill | 071-001 |
202 | Elodea nuttallii | Nuttall's Waterweed | 151-004 |
203 | Picea sitchensis (2019) 0 4 | Sitka Spruce | 020-003 |
204 | Chrysosplenium oppositifolium (2020) 0 5 | Opposite-leaved Golden-saxifrage | 042-007 |
205 | Epilobium montanum (2020) 0 33 | Broad-leaved Willowherb | 073-001 |
206 | Cornus sericea (2019) 0 1 | Red-osier Dogwood | 102-001 |
207 | Myosotis scorpioides (2020) 1 13 | Water Forget-me-not | 114-019 |
208 | Symphoricarpos albus (2020) 0 22 | Snowberry | 138-001 |
209 | Heracleum mantegazzianum (2020) 0 11 | Giant Hogweed | 145-030 |
210 | Phleum pratense s.s. (2019) 0 4 | Timothy | 177-999 |
211 | Malus sylvestris s.s. (2019) 0 3 | Crab Apple | 048-013 |
212 | Oxalis acetosella (2021) 0 12 | Wood-sorrel | 063-001 |
213 | Stellaria holostea (2020) 0 11 | Greater Stitchwort | 094-007 |
214 | Mentha aquatica (2020) 1 17 | Water Mint | 128-024 |
215 | Berberis darwinii (2002) 0 1 | Darwin's Barberry | 035-001 |
216 | Petrosedum rupestre | Reflexed Stonecrop | 043-010 |
217 | Myriophyllum spicatum (2014) 1 2 | Spiked Water-milfoil | 044-002 |
218 | Fragaria vesca (2020) 0 28 | Wild Strawberry | 048-999 |
219 | Ligustrum vulgare (2019) 0 4 | Wild Privet | 117-005 |
220 | Veronica chamaedrys (2020) 0 23 | Germander Speedwell | 120-003 |
221 | Pilosella aurantiaca (2020) 0 13 | Fox-and-cubs | 135-033 |
222 | Veronica salicifolia (new) | Narrow-leaved Hebe | 120-003 |
223 | Asplenium adiantum-nigrum s.s. (2019) 0 5 | Black Spleenwort | 014-001 |
224 | Hypericum pulchrum (2020) 0 5 | Slender St John's-wort | 064-001 |
225 | Callitriche stagnalis s.l. (2014) 1 4 | Water Starwort | 123-001 |
226 | Ajuga reptans (2020) 0 14 | Bugle | 128-013 |
227 | Glyceria fluitans s.s. (2021) 0 11 | Floating Sweet-grass | 177-999 |
228 | Soleirolia soleirolii (new) | Mind-your-own-business | 054-003 |
229 | Asplenium trichomanes (2020) 0 14 | Maidenhair Spleenwort | 014-001 |
230 | Cupressus lawsoniana (2015) 0 1 | Lawson's Cypress | 025-008 |
231 | Papaver somniferum (2020) 0 4 | Opium Poppy | 034-001 |
232 | Malva sylvestris (2020) 0 6 | Common Mallow | 080-003 |
233 | Erysimum cheiri (2019) 0 5 | Wallflower | 087-999 |
234 | Mycelis muralis (2020) 0 8 | Wall Lettuce | 087-999 |
235 | Cerastium tomentosum (2019) 0 7 | Snow-in-summer | 094-009 |
236 | Galium album (2019) 0 1 | Upright Hedge Bedstraw | 110-005 |
237 | Tripolium pannonicum (2019) 0 8 | Sea Aster | 135-060 |
238 | Helianthemum nummularium (2020) 0 11 | Common Rock-rose | 082-002 |
239 | Lamium hybridum (2020) 0 3 | Cut-leaved Dead-nettle | 128-007 |
240 | Pilosella officinarum (2020) 0 13 | Mouse-ear-hawkweed | 135-033 |
241 | Elodea canadensis (2020) 0 10 | Canadian Waterweed | 151-004 |
242 | Acer campestris | Field Maple | 077-003 |
243 | Sagina maritima (2000) 0 1 | Sea Pearlwort | 094-011 |
244 | Alisma plantago-aquatica (2020) 1 11 | Water Plantain | 149-004 |
245 | Ranunculus peltatus (2018) 0 6 | Pond Water-crowfoot | 036-013 |
246 | Fuchsia magellanica (2017) 0 3 | Fuchsia | 073-006 |
247 | Galium palustre (2020) 1 9 | Marsh-bedstraw | 110-005 |
248 | Erythanthe guttata (2015) 1 4 | Monkeyflower | 129-001 |
249 | Cirsium palustre (2020) 0 19 | Marsh Thistle | 135-006 |
250 | Glyceria maxima (2018) 0 2 | Reed Sweet-grass | 177-999 |
251 | Leycesteria formosa (2017) 0 2 | Himalayan Honeysuckle | 138-003 |
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