No. | Category | Species | Common name |
2 | alga | Trentopohlia aurea | An alga |
3 | slime mould | Arcyria denudata | A slime mould |
4 | slime mould | Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa | A slime mould |
5 | slime mould | Didymium squamulosum | A slime mould |
6 | slime mould | Hemitrichia pardina | A slime mould |
7 | slime mould | Lycogala epidendrum | A slime mould |
8 | lichen | Acarospora fuscata | A lichen |
9 | lichen | Arthonia radiata | A lichen |
10 | lichen | Aspicilia contorta | A lichen |
11 | lichen | Baeomyces rufus | A lichen |
12 | lichen | Buellia aethalea | A lichen |
13 | lichen | Caloplaca dichroa | A lichen |
14 | lichen | Caloplaca holocarpa agg. | A lichen |
15 | lichen | Candelariella vitellina | A lichen |
16 | lichen | Cladonia arbuscula | A lichen |
17 | lichen | Cladonia coniocraea | A lichen |
18 | lichen | Cladonia digitata | A lichen |
19 | lichen | Cladonia fimbriata | A lichen |
20 | lichen | Cladonia furcata | A lichen |
21 | lichen | Cladonia humilis | A lichen |
22 | lichen | Cladonia ramulosa | A lichen |
23 | lichen | Cliostomum griffithii | A lichen |
24 | lichen | Evernia prunastri | A lichen |
25 | lichen | Fuscidia lightfootii | A lichen |
26 | lichen | Hypogymnia physodes | A lichen |
27 | lichen | Hypogymnia tubulosa | A lichen |
28 | lichen | Hypotrachyna revoluta | A lichen |
29 | lichen | Lecania naegelii | A lichen |
30 | lichen | Lecanora campestris | A lichen |
31 | lichen | Lecanora carpinea | A lichen |
32 | lichen | Lecanora chlarotera | A lichen |
33 | lichen | Lecanora compallens | A lichen |
34 | lichen | Lecanora conizaeoides | A lichen |
35 | lichen | Lecanora expallens | A lichen |
36 | lichen | Lecanora intricata | A lichen |
37 | lichen | Lecanora soralifera | A lichen |
38 | lichen | Lecanora sulphurea | A lichen |
39 | lichen | Lecanora symmicta | A lichen |
40 | lichen | Lecidella elaeochroma | A lichen |
41 | lichen | Lecidella scabra | A lichen |
42 | lichen | Lepraria incana | A lichen |
43 | lichen | Leptogeum plicatile | A lichen |
44 | lichen | Melanelixia subaurifera | A lichen |
45 | lichen | Opegrapha atra | A lichen |
46 | lichen | Parmelia saxatilis | A lichen |
47 | lichen | Parmelia sulcata | A lichen |
48 | lichen | Parmotrema perlatum | A lichen |
49 | lichen | Peltigera canina | A lichen |
50 | lichen | Peltigera membranacea | A lichen |
51 | lichen | Pertusaria corallina | A lichen |
52 | lichen | Phlyctis argena | A lichen |
53 | lichen | Physcia adscendens | A lichen |
54 | lichen | Physcia aipolia | A lichen |
55 | lichen | Physcia caesia | A lichen |
56 | lichen | Physcia tenella | A lichen |
57 | lichen | Platismatia glauca | A lichen |
58 | lichen | Porina aenea | A lichen |
59 | lichen | Porpidia crustulata | A lichen |
60 | lichen | Protoblastenia rupestris | A lichen |
61 | lichen | Pseudevernia furfuracea | A lichen |
62 | lichen | Pyrrhospora quernea | A lichen |
63 | lichen | Ramalina farinacea | A lichen |
64 | lichen | Ramalina fastigiata | A lichen |
65 | lichen | Rhizocarpon geographicum | A lichen |
66 | lichen | Rinodina sophodes | A lichen |
67 | lichen | Scoliciosporum umbrinum | A lichen |
68 | lichen | Tephromela atra | Black Shields |
69 | lichen | Trapelia placodioides | A lichen |
70 | lichen | Trapeliopsis granulosa | A lichen |
71 | lichen | Usnea subfloridana | A lichen |
72 | lichen | Verrucaria muralis | A lichen |
73 | lichen | Verrucaria nigrescens | A lichen |
74 | lichen | Xanthoria calcicola | A lichen |
75 | lichen | Xanthoria parietina | A lichen |
76 | lichen | Xanthoria polycarpa | A lichen |
77 | fungus | Acrospermum compressum | A fungus |
78 | fungus | Alatospora acuminata | aquatic hyphomycete |
79 | fungus | Amanita ceciliae | Snakeskin Grisette |
80 | fungus | Amanita rubescens | |
81 | fungus | Amanita submembranacea | |
82 | fungus | Amylostereum laevigatum | a corticioid fungus |
83 | fungus | Antrodiella semisupina | A polypore fungus |
84 | fungus | Aphanobasidium pseudotsugae | a corticioid fungus |
85 | fungus | Armillaria mellea | Honey fungus |
86 | fungus | Asaphomyces tubanticus | A laboulbeniomycete |
87 | fungus | Ascocoryne sarcoides | Purple Jellydisc |
88 | fungus | Ascodichaena rugosa | A hyphomycete fungus |
89 | fungus | Auricularia Auriculae-judae | Jew's Ear |
90 | fungus | Belonidium mollissimum | |
91 | fungus | Bertia moriformis | A pyrenomycete |
92 | fungus | Bisporella citrina | Lemon Disco |
93 | fungus | Bjerkandea adusta | Smoky Bracket |
94 | fungus | Boletus badius | Bay Bolete |
95 | fungus | Boletus chrysenteron | Red Cracking Bolete |
96 | fungus | Boletus luridiformis | A Bolete |
97 | fungus | Botryobasidium conspersum | a corticioid fungus |
98 | fungus | Botryobasidium subcoronatum | a corticioid fungus |
99 | fungus | Botryosphaeria foliorum | |
100 | fungus | Bovista plumbea | Grey Puffball |
101 | fungus | Byssomerulius corium | Netted Crust |
102 | fungus | Calloria neglecta | |
103 | fungus | Calocera pallidospathulata | Pale Stagshorn |
104 | fungus | Calocybe gambosa | St.George's Mushroom |
105 | fungus | Capitotricha bicolor | |
106 | fungus | Capronia nigerrima | A fungus |
107 | fungus | Capronia pilosella | A pyrenomycete |
108 | fungus | Centrospora acerina | aquatic hyphomycete |
109 | fungus | Chaetosphaerella phaeostroma | A pyrenomycte |
110 | fungus | Cheilymenia granulata | Cowpat Gem |
111 | fungus | Chlorociboria aeruginascens | Green Elfcup |
112 | fungus | Chromocyphella muscicola | Moss Ear |
113 | fungus | Ciboria caucas | A fungus on Populus catkins |
114 | fungus | Clavariopsis aquatica | aquatic hyphomycete |
115 | fungus | Claviceps purpurea | Ergot |
116 | fungus | Clavulina rugosa | Wrinkled Club |
117 | fungus | Clitocybe fragrans | Fragrant funnel |
118 | fungus | Clitocybe metachroa | A fungus |
119 | fungus | Clitocybe nebularis | Clouded Funnel |
120 | fungus | Coleroa robertiani | A fungus on Herb Robert |
121 | fungus | Coniophora olivacea | a corticioid fungus |
122 | fungus | Coniophora puteana | |
123 | fungus | Conocybe aporos | |
124 | fungus | Coprinellus micaceus | Glistening Inkcap |
125 | fungus | Coprinopsis atramentaria | Common Inkcap |
126 | fungus | Coprinopsis nivea | Snowy Inkcap |
127 | fungus | Coprinus comatus | Shaggy Ink Cap |
128 | fungus | Coprinus plicatilis | |
129 | fungus | Corticeum roseum | a corticioid fungus |
130 | fungus | Cortinarius bolaris | Dappled Webcap |
131 | fungus | Cortinarius elatior | |
132 | fungus | Cortinarius hinnuleus | |
133 | fungus | Cortinarius torvus | |
134 | fungus | Cortinarius trivialis | Girdled Webcap |
135 | fungus | Cortinarius trivialis | A webcap |
136 | fungus | Crepidotus cesatii | |
137 | fungus | Crocicreas amenti | |
138 | fungus | Crocicreas cyathoideum | |
139 | fungus | Cryptocoryneum condensatum | A coelomycete |
140 | fungus | Cryptosphaeria eunomia | A pyrenomycete |
141 | fungus | Cucurbitaria rubefaciens | A pyrenomycete fungus |
142 | fungus | Cylindrobasidium laeve | Tear Dropper |
143 | fungus | Cymadothea trifolii | A fungus |
144 | fungus | Cystoderma amianthinum | Earthy Powdercap |
145 | fungus | Cytospora salicis | |
146 | fungus | Dacrymyces stillatus | Common Jellyspot |
147 | fungus | Dactylella aquatica | aquatic hyphomycete |
148 | fungus | Daedaleopsis confragosa | Blushing Bracket |
149 | fungus | Dasyscyphus apalus | Rush Disco |
150 | fungus | Dasyscyphus clavigerus | A discomycete |
151 | fungus | Dasyscyphus virgineus | Snowy Disco |
152 | fungus | Datronia mollis | A fungus |
153 | fungus | Diaporthe arctii | |
154 | fungus | Diatrype bullata | Willow Barkspot |
155 | fungus | Diatrype disciformis | Beech Barkspot |
156 | fungus | Diatrypella favacea | |
157 | fungus | Diatrypella quercina | |
158 | fungus | Didymella applanata | Raspberry Spur Blight |
159 | fungus | Echinosphaeria canescens | A pyrenomycete |
160 | fungus | Eichleriella deglubens | a corticioid fungus |
161 | fungus | Erysiphe alphitoides | Oak Powdery Mildew |
162 | fungus | Erysiphe cruciferarum | |
163 | fungus | Erysiphe heraclei | |
164 | fungus | Erysiphe ulmariae | |
165 | fungus | Eutypa lata | |
166 | fungus | Eutypa maura | |
167 | fungus | Exidia glandulosa | Witches Butter |
168 | fungus | Exidia nucleata | Crystal Brain |
169 | fungus | Exidia recisa | Willow Brain |
170 | fungus | Exidia thuretiana | White Brain |
171 | fungus | Flammulina velutipes | Velvetshank |
172 | fungus | Fomes fomentarius | Hoof/Tinder fungus |
173 | fungus | Fuscoporia ferrea | a corticioid fungus |
174 | fungus | Galerina hypnorum | |
175 | fungus | Ganoderma applanatum | Artist's Bracket |
176 | fungus | Ganoderma australe | Southern Bracket |
177 | fungus | Gloeocystidiellum porosum | A corticioid fungus |
178 | fungus | Gloeophyllum sepiarium | A bracket fungus |
179 | fungus | Glomerella graminicola | |
180 | fungus | Glyphium elatum | A pyrenomycete |
181 | fungus | Gnomonia alni-viridis | A pyrenomycete fungus |
182 | fungus | Gnomoniella rubicola | A pyrenomycete fungus |
183 | fungus | Golovinomyces cynoglossi | A mildew |
184 | fungus | Guignardia aesculi | A fungus |
185 | fungus | Gymnopilus penetrans | Common Rustgill |
186 | fungus | Gymnopus confluens | Clustered Toughshank |
187 | fungus | Gymnopus dryophilus | Russet Toughshank |
188 | fungus | Gymnopus erythropus | Redleg Toughshank |
189 | fungus | Hebeloma crustiliniforme | Poisonpie |
190 | fungus | Hebeloma pusillum | |
191 | fungus | Heliscus inundensis | aquatic hyphomycete |
192 | fungus | Hemimycena tortuosa | Dewdrop Bonnet |
193 | fungus | Heteroconium tetracolis | |
194 | fungus | Heterosphaeria patella | |
195 | fungus | Hyaloscypha fuckelii | An ascospore fungus |
196 | fungus | Hydnum repandum | Hedgehog Mushroom |
197 | fungus | Hygrocybe conica | Blackening Waxcap |
198 | fungus | Hygrocybe virginea | Snowy waxcap |
199 | fungus | Hygrophorus hypothejus | Herald of Winter |
200 | fungus | Hymenopsis typhae | |
201 | fungus | Hymenoscyphus fagineus | A fungus on beech cupules |
202 | fungus | Hymenoscyphus separabilis | |
203 | fungus | Hymenoscyphus vitellinus | |
204 | fungus | Hyphoderma definitum | a corticioid fungus |
205 | fungus | Hyphoderma setigerum | a corticioid fungus |
206 | fungus | Hyphodontia alutaria | a corticioid fungus |
207 | fungus | Hyphodontia arguta | a corticioid fungus |
208 | fungus | Hyphodontia nespori | a corticioid fungus |
209 | fungus | Hyphodontia pallidula | a corticioid fungus |
210 | fungus | Hypholoma fasciculare | Sulphur Tuft |
211 | fungus | Hypochnicium geogenium | a corticioid fungus |
212 | fungus | Hypomyces aurantius | |
213 | fungus | Hypoxylon fragiforme | Beech Woodwort |
214 | fungus | Hypoxylon rubiginosum | |
215 | fungus | Illosporiopsis christiansenii | A lichenicolous fungus |
216 | fungus | Inocybe auricoma | |
217 | fungus | Inocybe geophyllum | |
218 | fungus | Inonotus radiata | Alder Bracket |
219 | fungus | Jaapia argillacea | A corticioid fungus |
220 | fungus | Kretzschmaria deusta | Brittle Cinder |
221 | fungus | Kuhneola uredinis | Bramble Rust |
222 | fungus | Laboulbenia vulgaris | A Laboulbeniomycete |
223 | fungus | Laccaria amethystina | Amethyst Deceiver |
224 | fungus | Laccaria lacccata | The Decevier |
225 | fungus | Lacrymaria lacrymabunda | Weeping Mary |
226 | fungus | Lactarius blennius | Beech Milkcap |
227 | fungus | Lactarius glyciosmus | Coconut milkcap |
228 | fungus | Lactarius piperatus | Peppery Milkcap |
229 | fungus | Lactarius pubescens | Bearded Milkcap |
230 | fungus | Lactarius quietus | Oak Milkcap |
231 | fungus | Lactarius subdulcis | Mild Milkcap |
232 | fungus | Lactarius torminosus | Woolly Milkcap |
233 | fungus | Lactarius vietus | Grey Milkcap |
234 | fungus | Lasiosphaeria ovina | A pyrenomycete |
235 | fungus | Lasiosphaeria strigosa | A pyrenomycete |
236 | fungus | Leccinum scabrum | Birch Bolete |
237 | fungus | Lentomitella cirrhosa | A pyrenomycete |
238 | fungus | Leocarpus fragilis | A myxomycete (slime mold) |
239 | fungus | Lepista nuda | Wood Blewit |
240 | fungus | Leptosphaeria acuta | Nettle Rash |
241 | fungus | Leptosphaeria cladii | A fungus |
242 | fungus | Leptosphaeria linearis | |
243 | fungus | Leptosporomyces galzinii | a corticioid fungus |
244 | fungus | Lopadostoma turgidum | |
245 | fungus | Lophodermium pinastri | Pine-needle Split |
246 | fungus | Lycoperdon molle | |
247 | fungus | Lycoperdon perlatum | Common Puffball |
248 | fungus | Lycoperdon pyriforme | Stump Puffball |
249 | fungus | Lyomyces sambuci | a corticioid fungus |
250 | fungus | Marasmius epiphyllus | Leaf Parachute |
251 | fungus | Marasmius rotula | Collared Parachute |
252 | fungus | Marasmius setosus | A mushroom |
253 | fungus | Melampsora caprearum | A rust |
254 | fungus | Melampsoridium betulinum | Birch Rust |
255 | fungus | Melanoleuca polioleuca | Common Cavalier |
256 | fungus | Melanomma pulvis-pyrius | A pyrenomycete fungus |
257 | fungus | Merismodes anomala | |
258 | fungus | Microbotryum lychnidis-dioicae | Campion anther smut |
259 | fungus | Microthyrium ciliatum | |
260 | fungus | Microthyrium cystisi var ulicis | A pyrenomycete |
261 | fungus | Mollisia cinerea | Common Grey Disco |
262 | fungus | Monilina johnsoni | |
263 | fungus | Mycena arcangeliana | |
264 | fungus | Mycena capillaris | Beech Leaf Bonnet |
265 | fungus | Mycena epipterygia | Yellowleg Bonnet |
266 | fungus | Mycena filopes | Iodine bonnet |
267 | fungus | Mycena galericulata | |
268 | fungus | Mycena galopus | Milking Bonnet |
269 | fungus | Mycena mitis | |
270 | fungus | Mycena pearsoniana | A bonnet |
271 | fungus | Mycena pura | Lilac bonnet |
272 | fungus | Mycena speirea | Bark Bonnet |
273 | fungus | Mycena tenerrima | A mushroom |
274 | fungus | Mycena vitilis | Snapping bonnet |
275 | fungus | Nimbomollissia eriophila | |
276 | fungus | Ophiobolus acuminatus | |
277 | fungus | Ophiocordyceps entomorrhiza | A fungus on carabids |
278 | fungus | Ophiopbolus erythroporus | A pyrenomycete |
279 | fungus | Otidea onotica | Hare's Ear |
280 | fungus | Oudemansiella mucida | Porcelain Fungus |
281 | fungus | Panaeolus acuminatus | |
282 | fungus | Panaeolus olivaceus | |
283 | fungus | Panellus mitis | Elastic Oysterling |
284 | fungus | Paradidymella tosta | A pyrenomycete |
285 | fungus | Paranectria oropensis | |
286 | fungus | Paxillus involutus | Brown Rollrim |
287 | fungus | Peniophora limitata | a corticioid fungus |
288 | fungus | Peniophora lycii | a corticioid fungus |
289 | fungus | Peniophora nuda | a corticioid fungus |
290 | fungus | Peniophorella praetermissa | a corticioid fungus |
291 | fungus | Periconia cookei | |
292 | fungus | Pezicula rubi | |
293 | fungus | Phacellium carneum | A fungus |
294 | fungus | Phacidium multivalve | A holly leaf fungus |
295 | fungus | Phanerochaete velutina | a corticioid fungus |
296 | fungus | Phlebia radiata | a corticioid fungus |
297 | fungus | Phlebia rufa | a corticioid fungus |
298 | fungus | Phlebia tremellosa | Jelly rot |
299 | fungus | Phoma complanatum | |
300 | fungus | Phoma herbarum | |
301 | fungus | Phoma nebulosa | |
302 | fungus | Phoma samararum | A fungus n ash seeds |
303 | fungus | Phomopsis pterophyla | A fungus n ash seeds |
304 | fungus | Phragmidium fragariae | |
305 | fungus | Phragmidium rosae-pimpinellifoliae | A rust |
306 | fungus | Phragmidium rubi-idaei | |
307 | fungus | Phragmidium violaceum | a fungus on Rubus spp. |
308 | fungus | Phyllachora graminis | |
309 | fungus | Piptoporus betulinus | Birch polypore |
310 | fungus | Pleospora herbarum | A pyrenomycete fungus |
311 | fungus | Pleurothecium recurvatum | |
312 | fungus | Pleurotus cornucopiae | Branched Osyter Mushroom |
313 | fungus | Pleurotus ostreatus | A mushroom |
314 | fungus | Plicaturopsis crispa | |
315 | fungus | Pluteus cervinus | Deer Shield |
316 | fungus | Pluteus phlebophorus | Wrinkled Shield |
317 | fungus | Polyporus badius | A mushroom |
318 | fungus | Polyporus brumalis | Winter Polypore |
319 | fungus | Polyporus ciliatus | |
320 | fungus | Polyporus leptocephalus | Blackfoot Polypore |
321 | fungus | Postia subcaesia | Blueing Bracket |
322 | fungus | Propolis farinosa | An ascomycete fungus |
323 | fungus | Psathyrella lacrymabunda | Weeping widow |
324 | fungus | Psathyrella spadiceogrisea | Spring Brittlestem |
325 | fungus | Pseudospiropes rousellianus | |
326 | fungus | Puccinia chaerophylli | |
327 | fungus | Puccinia obscura | |
328 | fungus | Puccinia phragmitis | a rust on Rumex and phragmites |
329 | fungus | Puccinia poarum | Coltsfoot rust |
330 | fungus | Puccinia sessilis | |
331 | fungus | Puccinia striiformis | A rust fungus |
332 | fungus | Puccinia tumida | Pignut Rust |
333 | fungus | Pyrenopeziza adentostylis | |
334 | fungus | Pyrenopeziza carduorum | |
335 | fungus | Pyrenopeziza pastinacae | |
336 | fungus | Pyrenopeziza rubi | |
337 | fungus | Quaternaria quaternata | |
338 | fungus | Ramularia septata | A fungus on snowdrop leaves |
339 | fungus | Ramularia ulmariae | A fungus |
340 | fungus | Resinicium bicoor | a corticioid fungus |
341 | fungus | Resupinatus applicatus | |
342 | fungus | Rhodocollybia butyracea | Buttercap |
343 | fungus | Rhopographus filicinus | Bracken Map fungus |
344 | fungus | Rhytisma acerinum | Tar spot fungus |
345 | fungus | Rhytisma salicinum | Willow Tarspot |
346 | fungus | Rosellinia aquila | A fungus |
347 | fungus | Rosellinia desmazieri | A fungus |
348 | fungus | Russula atropurpurea | |
349 | fungus | Russula auruginea | Green Brittlegill |
350 | fungus | Russula betularum | |
351 | fungus | Russula caerulea | Humpback Brittlegill |
352 | fungus | Russula cyanoxantha | Charcoal Burner |
353 | fungus | Russula fellea | Geranium Brittlegill |
354 | fungus | Russula nigricans | Blackening Brittlegill |
355 | fungus | Russula nitida | Purple Swamp Brittlegill |
356 | fungus | Russula nobilis | Beechwood Sickener |
357 | fungus | Russula ochroleuca | Ochre Brittlegill |
358 | fungus | Russula sanguinea | Bleeding Brittlegill |
359 | fungus | Russula xeramplina | Crab brittlegill |
360 | fungus | Sarcomyxa serotina | Olive Oysterling |
361 | fungus | Sarcoscypha coccinea | Scarlet Elfcup |
362 | fungus | Schizopora paradoxica | Split porecrust |
363 | fungus | Scopuloides hydnoides | |
364 | fungus | Scopuloides rimosa | |
365 | fungus | Septoria arundinacea | A fungus on Phragmites |
366 | fungus | Serpula lacrymans | A fungus |
367 | fungus | Sistotrema brinkmannii | |
368 | fungus | Sistotrema diademiferum | a corticioid fungus |
369 | fungus | Sistotrema oblongisporum | a corticioid fungus |
370 | fungus | Skeletocutis nivea | A fungus |
371 | fungus | Sphaeropsis sapinea | a fungus on pine |
372 | fungus | Stereum gausapatum | Bleeding Oak Crust |
373 | fungus | Stereum hirsutum | Hairy Curtain Crust |
374 | fungus | Stereum sanguinolentum | Bleeding conifer crust |
375 | fungus | Strobilurus esculentus | |
376 | fungus | Strobilurus tenellacus | |
377 | fungus | Stypella glaira | |
378 | fungus | Suillus luteus | Slippery Jack |
379 | fungus | Taeniolella stilbospora | A hyphomycete fungus |
380 | fungus | Taphrina alni | Alder tongue |
381 | fungus | Taphrina betulae | Birch Leaf Blister |
382 | fungus | Taphrina populina | Aspen Leaf Blister |
383 | fungus | Taphrina sadebeckii | A fungus |
384 | fungus | Tetracladium marchalianum | aquatic hyphomycete |
385 | fungus | Tetracladium setigerum | aquatic hyphomycete |
386 | fungus | Thelephora anthocephala | An earthfan |
387 | fungus | Tomentella sublilacina | |
388 | fungus | Torula herbarum | |
389 | fungus | Trachyspora intrusa | Ladies Mantle Rust |
390 | fungus | Trametes gibbosa | Lumpy Bracket |
391 | fungus | Trametes hirsuta | Hairy Bracket |
392 | fungus | Trametes versicolor | Turkeytail |
393 | fungus | Tremella indecorata | |
394 | fungus | Tremella mesenterica | Golden Jelly fungus |
395 | fungus | Trichaptum abietinum | A fungus |
396 | fungus | Tricholoma sciodes | Beech Knight |
397 | fungus | Tricholoma suplhureum | Sulphur Knight |
398 | fungus | Tricholoma ustala | Burnt Knight |
399 | fungus | Tricholoma virgatum | Ashen Knight |
400 | fungus | Trichopeziza sulphurea | |
401 | fungus | Tricladium angulatum | aquatic hyphomycete |
402 | fungus | Tricladium splendens | aquatic hyphomycete |
403 | fungus | Trimmatostroma betulinum | |
404 | fungus | Triphragmium ulmariae | Meadowsweet rust |
405 | fungus | Trochila ilicina | Holly Speckle |
406 | fungus | Tubaria furfuracea | Scurfy Twiglet |
407 | fungus | Tubulicrinis subulatus | a corticioid fungus |
408 | fungus | Ventura ditricha | A pyrenomycete fungus |
409 | fungus | Volvopluteus gloiocephala | Stubble Rosegill |
410 | fungus | Vuilleminia comedens | a corticioid fungus |
411 | fungus | Xylaria carpophila | A fungus |
412 | fungus | Xylaria hypoxylon | Candlesnuff fungus |
413 | fungus | Xylaria polymorpha | Dead Man's Fingers |
414 | fungus | Xylodon quercinus | A corticioid fungus |
415 | liverwort | Calypogeia arguta | Notched Pouchwort |
416 | liverwort | Conocephalum conicum | Great Scented Liverwort |
417 | liverwort | Diplophyllum albicans | Water Earwort |
418 | liverwort | Frullania dilatata | Dilated Scalewort |
419 | liverwort | Frullania tamarisci | Tamarisk Scalewort |
420 | liverwort | Lophocolea bidentata | Biphid Crestwort |
421 | liverwort | Lophocolea heterophylla | Variable-leaved Crestwort |
422 | liverwort | Lunularia cruciata | A liverwort |
423 | liverwort | Marchantia polymorpha | A liverwort |
424 | liverwort | Metzgeria fruticulosa | Blueish Veilwort |
425 | liverwort | Metzgeria furcata | Forked veilwort |
426 | liverwort | Pellia endiviifolia | Endive Pellia |
427 | liverwort | Pellia epiphylla | Overleaf/Common Pellia |
428 | liverwort | Ptilidium pulcherrinum | Tree Fringewort |
429 | liverwort | Riccia cavernosa | Cavernous Crystalwort |
430 | liverwort | Scapania undulata | Water Earwort |
431 | moss | Amblystegium riparium | Kneiff's Feather-moss |
432 | moss | Amblystegium serpens | Creeping Feather-moss |
433 | moss | Archidium alternifolium | Clay Earth-moss |
434 | moss | Atrichum undulatum | Common Smoothcap/Catherine’s Moss |
435 | moss | Aulacomnium androgynum | Bud-headed Groove-moss |
436 | moss | Aulacomnium palustre | Bog Groove-moss |
437 | moss | Barbula unguiculata | Bird's-claw Beard-moss |
438 | moss | Brachythecium rutabulum | Rough-stalked Feather-moss |
439 | moss | Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum | Red Beard-moss |
440 | moss | Bryum argenteum | Silver-moss |
441 | moss | Bryum capillare | Capillary Thread-moss |
442 | moss | Bryum dichotomum | Bicoloured Bryum |
443 | moss | Bryum pseudotriquetrum | Marsh Bryum |
444 | moss | Calliergon cordifolium | |
445 | moss | Calliergonella cuspidata | Pointed Spear-moss |
446 | moss | Campylopus introflexus | Heath Star-moss |
447 | moss | Ceratodon purpureus | |
448 | moss | Cirriphyllum piliferum | Hair Pointed Feather-moss |
449 | moss | Climacium dendroides | Tree-moss |
450 | moss | Dicranum scoparium | Broom Fork-moss |
451 | moss | Dicronella heteromalla | Silky Forklet-moss |
452 | moss | Didymodon insulanus | Cylindrical Beard-moss |
453 | moss | Didymodon rigidulus | Rigid Beard-moss |
454 | moss | Didymodon tophaceus | Olive Beard-moss |
455 | moss | Drepanocladus fluitans | Floating Hook-moss |
456 | moss | Encalypta streptocarpa | Common Striated Feather-moss |
457 | moss | Eurhynchium striatum | Common Striated Feather-moss |
458 | moss | Fissidens bryoides | Lesser Pocket-moss |
459 | moss | Fissidens taxifolius | Great Pocket Moss |
460 | moss | Fontinalis antipyretica | Greater Water Moss |
461 | moss | Grimmia pulvinata | Grey Cushion Moss |
462 | moss | Homalothecium sericeum | Silky Wall Feather-moss |
463 | moss | Hygroamblystegium tenax | Fountain feather-moss |
464 | moss | Hylocolium splendens | Glittering Wood-moss |
465 | moss | Hypnum andoi | Mammilate Plait-moss |
466 | moss | Hypnum cupressiforme | Cypress-leaved Plait-moss |
467 | moss | Hypnum lindbergii | Lindberg's Plait-moss |
468 | moss | Isothecium myosuroides | |
469 | moss | Kindbergia praelonga | Common Feather-moss |
470 | moss | Mnium hornum | Swan's Neck Thyme-moss |
471 | moss | Orthotrichum affine | Wood Bristle-moss |
472 | moss | Orthotrichum anomalum | Anomalous Bristle-moss |
473 | moss | Orthotrichum cupulatum | Hooded Bristle-moss |
474 | moss | Orthotrichum diaphanum | White-tipped Bristle-moss |
475 | moss | Orthotrichum lyellii | Lyell's Bristle-moss |
476 | moss | Orthotrichum pulchellum | Elegant Bristle-moss |
477 | moss | Oxyrrhynchium hians | Swartz's Feather-moss |
478 | moss | Philonotis fontana | |
479 | moss | Plagiomnium rostratum | Long-beaked Thyme-moss |
480 | moss | Plagiomnium undulatum | Hart's-tongue Thyme-moss |
481 | moss | Plagiothecium succulentum | Juicy Silk-moss |
482 | moss | Plagiothecium undulatum | Wavy Silk-moss |
483 | moss | Pleuridium subulatum | |
484 | moss | Pleurozium schreberi | Red-stemmed Feather-moss |
485 | moss | Polytrichum commune | Common Haircap Moss |
486 | moss | Polytrichum juniperinum | |
487 | moss | Pseudocrossidium revolutum | Revolute Beard-moss |
488 | moss | Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans | Elegant Silk-moss |
489 | moss | Psuedoscleropodeum purum | Neat feather-moss |
490 | moss | Racomitrium aciculare | Yellow Fringe-moss |
491 | moss | Racomitrium ericoides | |
492 | moss | Racomitrium fasciculare | Green Mountain Fringe-moss |
493 | moss | Racomitrium lanuginosum | Dense Fringe-moss |
494 | moss | Radula complanata | Even Scalewort |
495 | moss | Rhizomnium punctatum | Dotted Thyme-moss |
496 | moss | Rhynchostegium confertum | Clustered Feather-moss |
497 | moss | Rhynchostegium murale | Wall Feather-moss |
498 | moss | Rhynchostegium riparioides | Long-beaked Feather-moss |
499 | moss | Rhytidiadelphus loreus | Little Shaggy-moss |
500 | moss | Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus | Springy Turf-moss |
501 | moss | Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus | Big Shaggy-moss |
502 | liverwort | Riccardia chamedryfolia | Jagged Germanderwort |
503 | moss | Sanionia uncinata | Sickle-leaved Hook-moss |
504 | moss | Schistidium apocarpum | Sessile Grimmia |
505 | moss | Schistidium crassipilum | Thickpoint Grimmia |
506 | moss | Sciuro-hypnum populeum | Matted Feather-moss |
507 | moss | Thuidium tamariscinum | Common Tamarisk-moss |
508 | moss | Tortella tortuosa | Frizzled Crisp-moss |
509 | moss | Tortula muralis | Wall Screw-moss |
510 | moss | Tortula truncata | Common Pottia |
511 | moss | Ulota bruchii | |
512 | moss | Ulota crispa | Crisped Pincushion |
513 | moss | Ulota drummondii | Drummond's Pincushion |
514 | moss | Ulota phyllantha | |
515 | moss | Zygodon viridissimus | Green Yoke-moss |
516 | flowering plant | Acer pseudoplatanus | Sycamore |
517 | flowering plant | Achillea millefolium | Yarrow |
518 | flowering plant | Achillea ptarmica | Sneezewort |
519 | flowering plant | Aesculus hippocastanum | Horse-chestnut |
520 | flowering plant | Agrostis canina ss. | Brown Bent |
521 | flowering plant | Agrostis capillaris | Common Bent |
522 | flowering plant | Agrostis stolonifera | Creeping Bent |
523 | flowering plant | Ajuga reptans | Bugle |
524 | flowering plant | Alchemilla glabra | Smooth Lady’s-mantle |
525 | flowering plant | Alchemilla vulgaris agg. | Lady’s-mantle |
526 | flowering plant | Alchemilla xantochlora | a Lady’s-mantle |
527 | flowering plant | Alisma plantago-aquatica | Water-plantain |
528 | flowering plant | Alliaria petiolata | Garlic Mustard |
529 | flowering plant | Alnus glutinosa | Alder |
530 | flowering plant | Alopecurus geniculatus | Marsh Foxtail |
531 | flowering plant | Alopecurus pratensis | Meadow Foxtail |
532 | flowering plant | Anemone nemorosa | Wood anemone |
533 | flowering plant | Angelica sylvestris | Wild Angelica |
534 | flowering plant | Anthoxanthum odoratum | Sweet Vernal-grass |
535 | flowering plant | Anthriscus sylvestris | Cow Parsley |
536 | flowering plant | Apium inundatum | Lesser Marshwort |
537 | flowering plant | Arenaria serpyllifolia | Thyme-leaved Sandwort |
538 | flowering plant | Arrhenatherum elatius | False Oat-grass |
539 | flowering plant | Atriplex patula | Common Orache |
540 | flowering plant | Bellis perennis | Daisy |
541 | flowering plant | Betula pendula | Silver Birch |
542 | flowering plant | Betula pubescens | Downy Birch |
543 | flowering plant | Bromus ramosus | Hairy Brome |
544 | flowering plant | Calamagrostis epigejos | Wood Small-reed |
545 | flowering plant | Callitriche brutia var. hamatula | A water-starwort |
546 | flowering plant | Callitriche hermaphroditica | Autumnal Water-starwort |
547 | flowering plant | Callitriche platycarpa | Various-leaved Water-starwort |
548 | flowering plant | Callitriche stagnalis | Common Water-starwort |
549 | flowering plant | Calluna vulgaris | Heather |
550 | flowering plant | Caltha palustris | Marsh Marigold |
551 | flowering plant | Capsella bursa-pastoris | Shepherd's Purse |
552 | flowering plant | Cardamine amara | Large Bittercress |
553 | flowering plant | Cardamine flexuosa | Wavy Bitter-cress |
554 | flowering plant | Cardamine hirsuta | Hairy Bitter-cress |
555 | flowering plant | Cardamine pratensis | Cuckooflower |
556 | flowering plant | Carex aquatilis | Water Sedge |
557 | flowering plant | Carex distans | Distant Sedge |
558 | flowering plant | Carex disticha | Brown Sedge |
559 | flowering plant | Carex flacca | Glaucous Sedge |
560 | flowering plant | Carex hirta | Hairy Sedge |
561 | flowering plant | Carex leporina | Oval Sedge |
562 | flowering plant | Carex nigra | Common Sedge |
563 | flowering plant | Carex panicea | Carnation Sedge |
564 | flowering plant | Carex paniculata | Greater Tussock-sedge |
565 | flowering plant | Carex rostrata | Bottle Sedge |
566 | flowering plant | Carex viridula ssp. oedocarpa | |
567 | flowering plant | Catabrosa aquatica | Whorl-grass |
568 | flowering plant | Centaurea nigra | Common Knapweed |
569 | flowering plant | Cerastium fontanum | Common Mouse-ear |
570 | flowering plant | Cerastium glomeratum | Sticky Mouse-ear |
571 | flowering plant | Ceratocapnos claviculata | Climbing Corydalis |
572 | flowering plant | Chamaerion angustifolium | Rosebay Willowherb |
573 | flowering plant | Chenopodium rubrum | Red Goosefoot |
574 | flowering plant | Cirsium arvense | Creeping Thistle |
575 | flowering plant | Cirsium palustre | Marsh Thistle |
576 | flowering plant | Cirsium vulgare | Spear Thistle |
577 | flowering plant | Claytonia sibirica | Pink purslane |
578 | flowering plant | Conopodium majus | Pignut |
579 | flowering plant | Corylus avellana | Hazel |
580 | flowering plant | Cotoneaster x watereri | Waterer's Cotoneaster |
581 | flowering plant | Crataegus monogyna | Hawthorn |
582 | flowering plant | Crepis capillaris | Smooth Hawk’s-beard |
583 | flowering plant | Cruciata laevipes | Crosswort |
584 | flowering plant | Cynosurus cristatus | Crested Dog’s-tail |
585 | flowering plant | Cytisus scoparius | Broom |
586 | flowering plant | Dactylis glomerata | Cock’s-foot |
587 | flowering plant | Dactylorhiza fuchsii | Common Spotted-orchid |
588 | flowering plant | Dactylorhiza purpurella | Northern Marsh Orchid |
589 | flowering plant | Dactylorhiza x venuta | Hybrid D.fuchsii/D.purpurella |
590 | flowering plant | Danthonia decumbens | Heath-grass |
591 | flowering plant | Deschampsia cespitosa | Tufted Hair-grass |
592 | flowering plant | Deschampsia flexuosa | Wavy Hair-grass |
593 | flowering plant | Digitalis purpurea | Foxglove |
594 | flowering plant | Eleocharis acicularis | Needle Spike-rush |
595 | flowering plant | Eleocharis palustris | Common Spike-rush |
596 | flowering plant | Elodea canadensis | Canadian Pondweed |
597 | flowering plant | Epilobium hirsutum | Great Willowherb |
598 | flowering plant | Epilobium montanum | Broad-leaved Willowherb |
599 | flowering plant | Epilobium obscurum | Short-fruited Willowherb |
600 | flowering plant | Epilobium palustre | Marsh Willowherb |
601 | flowering plant | Epilobium tetragonum | Square-stalked Willowherb |
602 | flowering plant | Epipactis helleborine | Broad-leaved Helleborine |
603 | flowering plant | Euphrasia officinalis agg. | Eyebright |
604 | flowering plant | Fagus sylvatica | Beech |
605 | flowering plant | Festuca ovina agg. | Sheep’s-fescue |
606 | flowering plant | Festuca pratensis | Meadow Fescue |
607 | flowering plant | Festuca rubra | Red Fescue |
608 | flowering plant | Filago minima | Small Cudweed |
609 | flowering plant | Filipendula ulmaria | Meadowsweet |
610 | flowering plant | Fragaria vesca | Wild Strawberry |
611 | flowering plant | Fraxinus excelsior | Ash |
612 | flowering plant | Galanthus nivalis | Snowdrop |
613 | flowering plant | Galium aparine | Cleavers |
614 | flowering plant | Galium palustre | Common Marsh-bedstraw |
615 | flowering plant | Galium saxatile | Heath Bedstraw |
616 | flowering plant | Galium verum | Ladies Bedstraw |
617 | flowering plant | Geraneum molle | Dove's-foot Cranesbill |
618 | flowering plant | Geranium dissectum | Cut-leaved Geranium |
619 | flowering plant | Geranium molle | Dovesfoot Cranesbill |
620 | flowering plant | Geranium pyrenaicum | Hedgerow Crane's-bill |
621 | flowering plant | Geranium robertianum | Herb Robert |
622 | flowering plant | Geum rivale | Water Avens |
623 | flowering plant | Geum urbanum | Wood Avens |
624 | flowering plant | Glechoma hederacia | Ground Ivy |
625 | flowering plant | Glyceria fluitans | Floating Sweet-grass |
626 | flowering plant | Glyceria maxima | Reed Sweet-grass |
627 | flowering plant | Gnaphalium uliginosum | Marsh Cudweed |
628 | flowering plant | Hedera helix | Ivy |
629 | flowering plant | Heracleum sphondylium | Hogweed |
630 | flowering plant | Holcus lanatus | Yorkshire-fog |
631 | flowering plant | Hyacinthoides non-scripta | Bluebell |
632 | flowering plant | Hydrocotyle vulgaris | Marsh Pennywort |
633 | flowering plant | Hypericum androsaemum | Tutsan |
634 | flowering plant | Hypericum pulchrum | Slender St John's Wort |
635 | flowering plant | Hypericum tetrapterum | Square-stalked St John's Wort |
636 | flowering plant | Hypochoeris radicata | Cat’s-ear |
637 | flowering plant | Ilex aquifolium | European Holly |
638 | flowering plant | Isolepis setacea | Bristle Club-rush |
639 | flowering plant | Juncus acutiflorus | Sharp-flowered Rush |
640 | flowering plant | Juncus articulatus | Jointed Rush |
641 | flowering plant | Juncus bufonius | Toad Rush |
642 | flowering plant | Juncus conglomeratus | Compact Rush |
643 | flowering plant | Juncus effusus | Soft-rush |
644 | flowering plant | Juncus inflexus | Hard-rush |
645 | flowering plant | Lamiastrum galeobdolon | Yellow Archangel |
646 | flowering plant | Lamium album | White Dead-nettle |
647 | flowering plant | Lamium purpureum | Red Dead-nettle |
648 | flowering plant | Lapsana communis | Nipplewort |
649 | flowering plant | Lathyrus linifolius | Bitter-vetch |
650 | flowering plant | Lathyrus pratensis | Meadow Vetchling |
651 | flowering plant | Lemna minor | Common Duckweed |
652 | flowering plant | Lemna trisulca | A duckweed |
653 | flowering plant | Leontodon autumnalis | Autumnal Hawkbit |
654 | flowering plant | Leontodon hispidus | Rough Hawkbit |
655 | flowering plant | Leucanthemum vulgare | Oxeye Daisy |
656 | flowering plant | Limosella aquatica | Mudwort |
657 | flowering plant | Linum catharticum | Fairy Flax |
658 | flowering plant | Listera ovata | Common Twayblade |
659 | flowering plant | Littorella uniflora | Shoreweed |
660 | flowering plant | Lolium perenne | Perennial Rye-grass |
661 | flowering plant | Lonicera periclymenum | Honeysuckle |
662 | flowering plant | Lotus corniculatus | Common Bird’s-foot-trefoil |
663 | flowering plant | Lotus pedunculatus | Greater Bird’s-foot-trefoil |
664 | flowering plant | Luzula campestris | Field Wood-rush |
665 | flowering plant | Luzula multiflora | Heath Wood-rush |
666 | flowering plant | Luzula sylvatica | Great Wood-rush |
667 | flowering plant | Lychnis flos-cuculi | Ragged-robin |
668 | flowering plant | Lythrum portula | Water Purslane |
669 | flowering plant | Malus sylvestris | Crab Apple |
670 | flowering plant | Matricaria discoidea | Pineapple Weed |
671 | flowering plant | Meconopsis cambrica | Welsh Poppy |
672 | flowering plant | Medicago lupulina | Black Medick |
673 | flowering plant | Mentha aquatica | Water Mint |
674 | flowering plant | Mentha arvensis | Corn Mint |
675 | flowering plant | Mentha spicata | Spear Mint |
676 | flowering plant | Mercurialis perennis | Dog's Mercury |
677 | flowering plant | Mimulus guttatus | Monkeyflower |
678 | flowering plant | Montia fontana | Blinks |
679 | flowering plant | Myosotis arvensis | Field Forget-me-not |
680 | flowering plant | Myosotis discolor | Changing Forget-me-not |
681 | flowering plant | Myosotis laxa | Tufted Forget-me-not |
682 | flowering plant | Myosotis ramosissima | Early Forget-me-not |
683 | flowering plant | Myosotis scorpioides | Water Forget-me-not |
684 | flowering plant | Myosotis secunda | Creeping Forget-me-not |
685 | flowering plant | Myriophyllum alterniflorum | Alternate Water Milfoil |
686 | flowering plant | Myriophyllum spicatum | Spiked Water-milfoil |
687 | flowering plant | Myrrhis odorata | Sweet cicely |
688 | flowering plant | Narcissus pseudonarcissus | Daffodil |
689 | flowering plant | Nuphar lutea | Yellow Water-lily |
690 | flowering plant | Nymphaea alba | White Water-lily |
691 | flowering plant | Odontites vernus | Red Bartsia |
692 | flowering plant | Oenanthe crocata | Water Hemlock |
693 | flowering plant | Onoprodum acanthium | Cotton Thistle |
694 | flowering plant | Ophioglossum vulgatum | Adder’s-tongue |
695 | flowering plant | Oxalis acetosella | Wood Sorrel |
696 | flowering plant | Persicaria amphibia | Amphibious Bistort |
697 | flowering plant | Persicaria hydropiper | Water-pepper |
698 | flowering plant | Persicaria maculosa | Redshank |
699 | flowering plant | Phalaris arundinacea | Reed Canary-grass |
700 | flowering plant | Phleum pratense | Timothy-grass |
701 | flowering plant | Phragmites australis | Common Reed |
702 | flowering plant | Pilosella officinarum | Mouse-ear-hawkweed |
703 | flowering plant | Plantago lanceolata | Ribwort Plantain |
704 | flowering plant | Plantago major | Greater Plantain |
705 | flowering plant | Poa annua | Annual Meadow-grass |
706 | flowering plant | Poa pratensis s.s. | |
707 | flowering plant | Poa trivialis | Rough Meadow-grass |
708 | flowering plant | Polygonum aviculare | Knot-grass |
709 | flowering plant | Populus tremula | Aspen |
710 | flowering plant | Potamogeton berchtoldii | Small Pondweed |
711 | flowering plant | Potamogeton crispus | Curled Pondweed |
712 | flowering plant | Potamogeton filiformis | Slender-leaved Pondweed |
713 | flowering plant | Potamogeton lucens* | Shining Pondweed* |
714 | flowering plant | Potamogeton obtusifolius | Blunt-leaved Pondweed |
715 | flowering plant | Potamogeton pectinatus | Fennel Pondweed |
716 | flowering plant | Potamogeton perfoliatus | Perfoliate Pondweed |
717 | flowering plant | Potamogeton praelongus | Long-stalked Pondweed |
718 | flowering plant | Potamogeton pusillus | Lesser Pondweed |
719 | flowering plant | Potamogeton x zizii | Long-leaved Pondweed |
720 | flowering plant | Potentilla anserina | Silverweed |
721 | flowering plant | Potentilla erecta | Tormentil |
722 | flowering plant | Potentilla palustris | Marsh Cinquefoil |
723 | flowering plant | Potentilla reptans | Creeping Cinquefoil |
724 | flowering plant | Potentilla sterilis | Barren Strawberry |
725 | flowering plant | Primula veris | Cowslip |
726 | flowering plant | Prunella vulgaris | Selfheal |
727 | flowering plant | Prunus avium | Cherry |
728 | flowering plant | Pyrola minor | Common Wintergreen |
729 | flowering plant | Quercus robur | Pedunculate Oak |
730 | flowering plant | Ranunculus acris | Meadow Buttercup |
731 | flowering plant | Ranunculus ficaria | Lesser Celandine |
732 | flowering plant | Ranunculus flammula | Lesser Spearwort |
733 | flowering plant | Ranunculus peltatus | Pond Water-crowfoot |
734 | flowering plant | Ranunculus repens | Creeping Buttercup |
735 | flowering plant | Ranunculus sceleratus | Celery-leaved Buttercup |
736 | flowering plant | Rhinanthus minor | Yellow-rattle |
737 | flowering plant | Ribes nigrum | Black currant |
738 | flowering plant | Ribes sanguineum | Flowering Currant |
739 | flowering plant | Ribes uva-crispa | Gooseberry |
740 | flowering plant | Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum | White Watercress |
741 | flowering plant | Rorippa palustris | Marsh Yellow-cress |
742 | flowering plant | Rosa caesia subsp. caesia | |
743 | flowering plant | Rosa caesia subsp. vosagiaca | |
744 | flowering plant | Rosa canina agg. | Dog-rose |
745 | flowering plant | Rosa mollis | Soft Downy-rose |
746 | flowering plant | Rosa rubiginosa agg. | |
747 | flowering plant | Rosa rugosa | |
748 | flowering plant | Rosa sherardii | |
749 | flowering plant | Rosa spinosissima | Burnet Rose |
750 | flowering plant | Rosa tomentosa | Harsh Downy-rose |
751 | flowering plant | Rubus idaeus | Raspberry |
752 | flowering plant | Rubus sect. Glandulosus | Bramble |
753 | flowering plant | Rumex acetosa | Common Sorrel |
754 | flowering plant | Rumex acetosella ssp. acetosella | Sheep's Sorrel |
755 | flowering plant | Rumex crispus | Curled Dock |
756 | flowering plant | Rumex obtusifolius | Broad-leaved Dock |
757 | flowering plant | Sagina apetala | Annual Pearlwort |
758 | flowering plant | Sagina nodosa | Knotted Pearlwort |
759 | flowering plant | Sagina procumbens | Procumbent Pearlwort |
760 | flowering plant | Salix aurita | Eared Willow |
761 | flowering plant | Salix caprea (+) | Goat Willow |
762 | flowering plant | Salix cinerea ssp. oleifolia | Salix cinerea ssp. cinerea (+) |
763 | flowering plant | Salix fragilis var. fragilis | Crack Willow |
764 | flowering plant | Salix multinervis | a Willow |
765 | flowering plant | Salix myrsinifolia | Dark-leaved Willow |
766 | flowering plant | Salix myrsinites | Whortle-leaved Willow |
767 | flowering plant | Salix purpurea (+) | Purple Willow |
768 | flowering plant | Salix viminalis | Osier |
769 | flowering plant | Salix x reichardtii | a Willow |
770 | flowering plant | Salix x smithiana | Silky-leaved Osier |
771 | flowering plant | Sambucus nigra | Elder |
772 | flowering plant | Schedonorus arundinaceus | Tall Fescue |
773 | flowering plant | Scilla siberica | Siberian Squill |
774 | flowering plant | Scrophularia nodosa | Common Figwort |
775 | flowering plant | Scutellaria galericulata | Marsh Skullcap |
776 | flowering plant | Senecio fluviatilis | Broad-leaved Ragwort |
777 | flowering plant | Senecio jacobaea | Common Ragwort |
778 | flowering plant | Senecio vulgaris | Groundsel |
779 | flowering plant | Silene dioica | Red Campion |
780 | flowering plant | Solanum dulcamara | Bittersweet |
781 | flowering plant | Sonchus arvensis | Perennial sow-thistle |
782 | flowering plant | Sonchus asper | Prickly Sow-thistle |
783 | flowering plant | Sonchus oleraceus | Smooth Sow-thistle |
784 | flowering plant | Sorbus aucuparia | Rowan |
785 | flowering plant | Sparganium emersum | Unbranched Bur-reed |
786 | flowering plant | Sparganium erectum | Branched Bur-reed |
787 | flowering plant | Stachys palustris | Marsh Woundwort |
788 | flowering plant | Stachys sylvatica | Hedge Woundwort |
789 | flowering plant | Stellaria graminea | Lesser Stitchwort |
790 | flowering plant | Stellaria holostea | Greater Stitchwort |
791 | flowering plant | Stellaria media | Common Chickweed |
792 | flowering plant | Stellaria palustris | Marsh Stitchwort |
793 | flowering plant | Stellaria uliginosa | Bog Stitchwort |
794 | flowering plant | Succisa pratensis | Devil’s-bit Scabious |
795 | flowering plant | Symphoricarpos albus | Snowberry |
796 | flowering plant | Symphytum x uplandicum | Russian Comfrey |
797 | flowering plant | Taraxacum officinale agg. | Dandelion |
798 | flowering plant | Teucrium scorodonia | Wood Sage |
799 | flowering plant | Torilis japonica | Upright Hedge Parsley |
800 | flowering plant | Trifolium dubium | Lesser Trefoil |
801 | flowering plant | Trifolium medium | Zigzag Clover |
802 | flowering plant | Trifolium pratense | Red Clover |
803 | flowering plant | Trifolium repens | White Clover |
804 | flowering plant | Tripleurospermum inodorum | Scentless Mayweed |
805 | flowering plant | Tussilago farfara | Colt’s-foot |
806 | flowering plant | Typha latifolia | Bulrush |
807 | flowering plant | Ulex europaeus | Gorse |
808 | flowering plant | Ulmus glabra | Wych Elm |
809 | flowering plant | Urtica dioica | Common Nettle |
810 | flowering plant | Vaccinium myrtillus | Blaeberry |
811 | flowering plant | Valeriana officinalis | Common Valerian |
812 | flowering plant | Veronica agrestis | Green Field-speedwell |
813 | flowering plant | Veronica anagallis-aquatica | Water Speedwell |
814 | flowering plant | Veronica beccabunga | Brooklime |
815 | flowering plant | Veronica catenata | Pink Water-speedwell |
816 | flowering plant | Veronica chamaedrys | Germander Speedwell |
817 | flowering plant | Veronica officinalis | Heath Speedwell |
818 | flowering plant | Veronica persica | Common Field-Speedwell |
819 | flowering plant | Veronica scutellata | Marsh Speedwell |
820 | flowering plant | Veronica serpyllifolia | Thyme-leaved Speedwell |
821 | flowering plant | Vicia cracca | Tufted Vetch |
822 | flowering plant | Vicia faba | Broad Bean |
823 | flowering plant | Vicia sativa | Common Vetch |
824 | flowering plant | Vicia sepium | Bush Vetch |
825 | flowering plant | Viola arvensis | Field Pansy |
826 | flowering plant | Viola palustris | Marsh Violet |
827 | flowering plant | Viola riviniana | Common Dog-violet |
828 | flowering plant | Zannichellia palustris | Horned Pondweed |
829 | conifer | Pinus sylvestris | Scots Pine |
830 | conifer | Taxus baccata | Yew |
831 | fern | Asplenium ruta-muraria | Wall Rue |
832 | fern | Asplenium scolopendrium | Hart's Tongue |
833 | fern | Athyrium filix-femina | Lady-fern |
834 | fern | Dryopteris affinis | Scaly Male-fern |
835 | fern | Dryopteris dilatata | Broad Buckler-fern |
836 | fern | Dryopteris filix-mas | Male-fern |
837 | fern | Dryopteris x deweveri ? | a fern |
838 | fern | Equisetum arvense | Field Horsetail |
839 | fern | Equisetum fluviatile | Water Horsetail |
840 | fern | Polypodium vulgare | Common Polypody |
841 | fern | Pteridium aquilinum | Bracken |
842 | mollusc | Aegopinella nitidula | A glass snail |
843 | mollusc | Arion ater | Black Slug |
844 | mollusc | Arion distinctus | A slug |
845 | mollusc | Arion fasciatus | Rusty False-keeled Slug |
846 | mollusc | Arion intermedius | Hedgehog slug |
847 | mollusc | Arion subfuscus | Dusky Slug |
848 | mollusc | Boettgerilla pallens | Worm Slug |
849 | mollusc | Boettgerilla pallens | Worm Slug |
850 | mollusc | Cepaea hortensis | White-lipped Snail |
851 | mollusc | Clausilia bidentata | Toothed Door Snail |
852 | mollusc | Cochlicopa cf. lubrica | A snail |
853 | mollusc | Columella edentula | A snail |
854 | mollusc | Cornu aspersum | Garden Snail |
855 | mollusc | Deroceras reticulatus | Grey Field Slug |
856 | mollusc | Discus rotundatus | Rotund Disc |
857 | mollusc | Dorocerus laeve | Marsh slug |
858 | mollusc | Euconulus alderi | Euconulus alderi |
859 | mollusc | Lehmannia marginata | Tree Slug |
860 | mollusc | Limacus maculatus | Green Cellar Slug |
861 | mollusc | Limax cinereoniger | Ash-Black Slug |
862 | mollusc | Lymnaea peregra | Common Pond Snail |
863 | mollusc | Lymnaea stagnalis | Great Pond Snail |
864 | mollusc | Musculium lacustris | A freshwater mussel |
865 | mollusc | Oxychilus alliarius | Garlic (Glass) Snail |
866 | mollusc | Oxychilus cellarius | A Glass Snail |
867 | mollusc | Physa fontinalis | Common Bladder Snail |
868 | mollusc | Punctum pygmaeum | Dwarf Snail |
869 | mollusc | Sphaerium corneum | European fingernail Clam |
870 | mollusc | Sphaerium lacustre | A fingernail Clam |
871 | mollusc | Trochulus hispidus | Hairy Snail |
872 | mollusc | Vitrea contracta | Vitrea contracta |
873 | mollusc | Vitrina pellucida | Winter semi-slug |
874 | annelid | Aporrectodea longa | Long Worm |
875 | annelid | Dendrobaena octaedra | An earthworm |
876 | annelid | Eisenia foetida | An earthworm |
877 | annelid | Lumbricus rubellus | An earthworm |
878 | annelid | Octolasion cyaneum | An earthworm |
879 | annelid | Octolasion lacteum | An earthworm |
880 | annelid | Satchellius mammalis | An earthworm |
881 | flatworm | Polycelis nigra | A flatworm |
882 | harvestman | Dicranopalpus ramosus | A harvestman |
883 | harvestman | Leiobunum rotundum | A harvestman |
884 | harvestman | Megabunus diadema | A harvestman |
885 | harvestman | Mitopus morio | A harvestman |
886 | harvestman | Nelima gothica | A harvestman |
887 | harvestman | Nemastoma bimaculatum | A harvestman |
888 | harvestman | Oligolophus hanseni | A harvestman |
889 | harvestman | Oligolophus tridens | A harvestman |
890 | harvestman | Paroligolophus agrestis | A harvestman |
891 | harvestman | Platybunus pinetorum | A harvestman |
892 | harvestman | Platybunus triangularis | A harvestman |
893 | pseudoscorpion | Neobisium carcinoides | Common Neobisid |
894 | spider | Agroeca proxima | A spider |
895 | spider | Agyneta conigera | A Linyphid spider |
896 | spider | Alopecosa accentuata | A wolf spider |
897 | spider | Alopecosa barbipes | Easter Fox Spider |
898 | spider | Alopecosa pulverulenta | Common Fox Spider |
899 | spider | Amaurobius fenestralis | Lace-webbed Spider |
900 | spider | Amaurobius similis | A laceweb spider |
901 | spider | Araneus diadematus | Garden Spider |
902 | spider | Araneus quadratus | Four-spot Orb Weaver |
903 | spider | Araniella sp. | |
904 | spider | Baryphyma trifrons | A Linyphid spider |
905 | spider | Bathyphantes approximatus | A Linyphid spider |
906 | spider | Bathyphantes gracilis | A Linyphid spider |
907 | spider | Bathyphantes nigrinus | A Linyphiid spider |
908 | spider | Centromerita bicolor | A linyphiid spider |
909 | spider | Ceratinella brevipes | A Linyphid spider |
910 | spider | Clubiona comta | A Clubionid spider |
911 | spider | Clubiona lutescens | A Clubionid spider |
912 | spider | Clubiona reclusa | A Clubionid spider |
913 | spider | Dictyna arundinacea | Common Mesh Weaver |
914 | spider | Dicymbium nigrum | A Linyphid spider |
915 | spider | Diplocephalus latifrons | A Linyphid spider |
916 | spider | Diplocephalus permixtus | A Linyphid spider |
917 | spider | Diplocephalus picinus | A Linyphid spider |
918 | spider | Diplostyla concolor | A Linyphid spider |
919 | spider | Dismodicus bifrons | A Linyphid spider |
920 | spider | Drapetisca socialis | A Linyphid spider |
921 | spider | Drassodes cupreus | A ground spider |
922 | spider | Drepanotylus uncatus | A linyphiid spider |
923 | spider | Enoplognatha ovata | A Comb-footed Spider |
924 | spider | Erigone atra | A Linyphid spider |
925 | spider | Erigone dentipalpis | A Linyphid spider |
926 | spider | Ero cambridgei | A spider hunting spider |
927 | spider | Gnathonarium dentatum | A money spider |
928 | spider | Gongylidium rufipes | A money spider |
929 | spider | Haplodrassus signifer | n/a |
930 | spider | Helophora insignis | A money spider |
931 | spider | Hypomma bituberculatum | A money spider |
932 | spider | Larinioides cornutus | An orb weaver |
933 | spider | Lepthyphantes mengei | A money spider |
934 | spider | Lepthyphantes obscurus | A money spider |
935 | spider | Lepthyphantes tenuis | A money spider |
936 | spider | Lepthyphantes zimmermanni | A money spider |
937 | spider | Leptorhoptrum robustum | A money spider |
938 | spider | Linyphia triangularis | Common Hammock-weaver |
939 | spider | Linyphyia hortensis | A money spider |
940 | spider | Macrargus rufus | A money spider |
941 | spider | Maso sundevalli | A money spider |
942 | spider | Meioneta sp. | A money spider |
943 | spider | Metellina mengei | An Orb Weavng Spider |
944 | spider | Metellina segmentata | Autumn Spider |
945 | spider | Micrargus herbigradus | A money spider |
946 | spider | Microlinyphia pusilla | Small Hanky-weaver |
947 | spider | Microneta viaria | A money spider |
948 | spider | Monocephalus fuscipes | A money spider |
949 | spider | Neriene clathrata | Herb Hammock Spider |
950 | spider | Neriene montana | A money spider |
951 | spider | Neriene peltata | A money spider |
952 | spider | Nuctenea umbratica | An orb weaver |
953 | spider | Oedothorax gibbosus | A money spider |
954 | spider | Oxyptilus trux | Crab Spider |
955 | spider | Pachygnatha clercki | n/a |
956 | spider | Pachygnatha degeeri | A Long-jawed Orb Weaver |
957 | spider | Pardosa amentata | Spotted Wolf-spider |
958 | spider | Pardosa palustris | Marsh Wolf-spider |
959 | spider | Pardosa pullata | Common Wolf-spider |
960 | spider | Philodromus aureolus | n/a |
961 | spider | Pirata piraticus | Pirate Wolf-spider |
962 | spider | Saltus scenicus | Zebra spider |
963 | spider | Savignia frontata | A Linyphiid spider |
964 | spider | Savignia frontata | A Linyphiid spider |
965 | spider | Segestria senoculata | Snake-back Spider |
966 | spider | Tenuiphantes cristatus | A Linyphiid spider |
967 | spider | Tenuiphantes mengei | A money spider |
968 | spider | Tetragnatha extensa | Common Stretch Spider |
969 | spider | Tetragnatha montana | n/a |
970 | spider | Theridion impressum | A Comb-footed Spider |
971 | spider | Theridion pallens | A Comb-footed Spider |
972 | spider | Theridion varians | A spider |
973 | spider | Tibellus maritimus | A spider |
974 | spider | Tiso vagans | A Linyphiid spider |
975 | spider | Trochosa terricola | Ground Wolf-spider |
976 | spider | Walckenaeria cuspidata | A Linyphiid spider |
977 | spider | Walckenaeria nudipalpis | A Linyphiid spider |
978 | spider | Xysticus cristatus | Crab Spider |
979 | spider | Zygiella atrica | An orb weaver |
980 | gall mite | Aceria macrorhynchus | Sycamore gall mite |
981 | gall mite | Aceria pseudoplatani | Sycamore felt gall |
982 | gall mite | Cecidophyes galii | a gall mite |
983 | gall mite | Eriophyes inangulis | a gall mite |
984 | gall mite | Eriophyes laevis | a gall mite |
985 | gall mite | Phyllocoptes populi | Aspen Leaf Galler |
986 | gall mite | Phyllocoptes sorbeus | Rowan leaf galler |
987 | tick | Ixodes ricinus | Sheep Tick |
988 | millipede | Brachydesmus superus | A millipede |
989 | millipede | Craspedosoma rawlinsi | a Flat-backed Millipede |
990 | millipede | Cylindroiulus punctatus | Blunt-tailed snake millipede |
991 | millipede | Julus scandinavius | |
992 | millipede | Melogona scutellare | |
993 | millipede | Nanogona polydesmoides | Eyed Flat-backed Millipede |
994 | millipede | Ommatoiulus sabulosus | Striped Millipede |
995 | millipede | Ophyiulus pilosus | |
996 | millipede | Polydesmus angustus | Flat-backed millipede |
997 | millipede | Polydesmus denticulatus | a Millipede |
998 | millipede | Polydesmus inconstans | |
999 | millipede | Proteroiulus fuscus | a Millipede |
1000 | millipede | Tachypodoiulus niger | White-legged Snake Millipede |
1001 | centipede | Geophilus flavus | a centipede |
1002 | centipede | Geophilus insculptus | a centipede |
1003 | centipede | Lithobius crassipes | a centipede |
1004 | centipede | Lithobius forficatus | Brown Centipede |
1005 | centipede | Necrophloeophagus flavus | a centipede |
1006 | crustacean | Asellus aquaticus | Water Slater |
1007 | crustacean | Gammarus lacustris | Freshwater Shrimp |
1008 | crustacean | Oniscus asellus | Common Woodlouse |
1009 | crustacean | Philoscia muscorum | Striped Woodlouse |
1010 | crustacean | Porcellio scaber | Rough Woodlouse |
1011 | crustacean | Porcellio spinicornis | Common Woodlouse |
1012 | crustacean | Trichoniscus pusillus | Pygmy Woodlouse |
1013 | collembola | Anurophorus laricis | A springtail |
1014 | collembola | Dicyrtomina minuta | A springtail |
1015 | collembola | Dicyrtomina saundersi | A springtail |
1016 | collembola | Entomobrya nivalis | A springtail |
1017 | collembola | Isotoma sensibilis | A springtail |
1018 | collembola | Isotoma viridis | A springtail |
1019 | collembola | Isotomurus palustris | A springtail |
1020 | collembola | Neanura muscorum | A springtail |
1021 | collembola | Orchesella cincta | A springtail |
1022 | collembola | Orchesella villosa | A springtail |
1023 | collembola | Protaphorura armata | A springtail |
1024 | collembola | Tomocerus minor | A springtail |
1025 | collembola | Vertagopus cinerea | A springtail |
1026 | odonata | Aeshna juncea | Common Hawker |
1027 | odonata | Enallagma cyathigerum | Common Blue Damselfly |
1028 | odonata | Ischnura elegans | Blue-tailed Damselfy |
1029 | odonata | Lestes sponsa | Emerald Damselfly |
1030 | odonata | Pyrrhosoma nymphula | Large Red Damselfly |
1031 | odonata | Sympetrum danae | Black Darter |
1032 | odonata | Sympetrum striolatum | Common Darter |
1033 | dermaptera | Forficula auricularia | Common Earwig |
1034 | orthoptera | Omocestus viridulus | Common Green Grasshopper |
1035 | hemiptera | Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale | Hawthorn Shieldbug |
1036 | hemiptera | Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale | Hawthorn Shieldbug |
1037 | hemiptera | Acompocoris alpinus | An anthocorid bug |
1038 | hemiptera | Alebra albostriella | A leafhopper |
1039 | hemiptera | Anthocoris nemoralis | An anthocorid bug |
1040 | hemiptera | Anthocoris nemorum | An anthocorid bug |
1041 | hemiptera | Aphrodes bicinctus | Girdled Leafhopper |
1042 | hemiptera | Aphrodes histrionicus | A leafhopper |
1043 | hemiptera | Aphrodes makarovi | A leafhopper |
1044 | hemiptera | Aphrophora alni | Alder Spittle Bug |
1045 | hemiptera | Arthaldeus pascuellus | A leafhopper |
1046 | hemiptera | Balclutha punctata | A leafhopper |
1047 | hemiptera | Berytinus minor | A stilt bug |
1048 | hemiptera | Blepharidopterus angulatus | Black-kneed Capsid |
1049 | hemiptera | Callicorixa praeusta | A water bug |
1050 | hemiptera | Calocoris norvegicus | A mirid Bug |
1051 | hemiptera | Chartoscirta cincta | A shore bug |
1052 | hemiptera | Chilacis typhae | Bulrush bug |
1053 | hemiptera | Cicadella viridis | Green Leafhopper |
1054 | hemiptera | Cicadula persimilis | A leafhopper |
1055 | hemiptera | Cicadula saturata | A leafhopper |
1056 | hemiptera | Cixius similis | A lacehopper |
1057 | hemiptera | Closterotomus norwegicus | Potato capsid |
1058 | hemiptera | Corixa punctata | An aquatic bug |
1059 | hemiptera | Cymus glandicolor | A true bug |
1060 | hemiptera | Delphacodes sp. | |
1061 | hemiptera | Dicyphus globulifer | A mirid bug |
1062 | hemiptera | Dicyphus stachydis | A mirid bug |
1063 | hemiptera | Dolycoris baccarum | Sloe Shieldbug |
1064 | hemiptera | Drepanosiphum platanoidis | Common Sycamore Aphid |
1065 | hemiptera | Drymus brunneus | A ground bug |
1066 | hemiptera | Drymus sylvaticus | A ground bug |
1067 | hemiptera | Elymana sulphurella | |
1068 | hemiptera | Empoasca vitis | A plant hopper |
1069 | hemiptera | Eupelix cuspidata | A leafhopper |
1070 | hemiptera | Eupterix urticae | A leafhopper |
1071 | hemiptera | Eupterix vittata | A leafhopper |
1072 | hemiptera | Euscelis incisus | |
1073 | hemiptera | Evacanthus interruptus | A leafhopper |
1074 | hemiptera | Gerris lacustris | Common Pond Skater |
1075 | hemiptera | Grypocoris stysi | A mirid Bug |
1076 | hemiptera | Iassus lanio | An oak bug |
1077 | hemiptera | Idiocerus confusus | A leafhopper |
1078 | hemiptera | Javesella discolor | |
1079 | hemiptera | Leptopterna dolabrata | A mirid Bug |
1080 | hemiptera | Leptopterna ferrugata | A mirid Bug |
1081 | hemiptera | Linnavuoriana decempunctata | A plant hopper |
1082 | hemiptera | Liocoris tripustulatus | A mirid bug |
1083 | hemiptera | Lygus punctatus | A mirid Bug |
1084 | hemiptera | Lygus rugulipennis | A mirid Bug |
1085 | hemiptera | Macrosteles viridigriseus | |
1086 | hemiptera | Macustus grisescens | |
1087 | hemiptera | Megophthalmus scanicus | |
1088 | hemiptera | Monalocoris filicis | Bracken Bug |
1089 | hemiptera | Nabis ferus | A bug |
1090 | hemiptera | Nabis flavomarginatus | |
1091 | hemiptera | Neophilaenus lineatus | |
1092 | hemiptera | Notonecta glauca | Common Water Boatman |
1093 | hemiptera | Oncopsis flavicollis | A leafhopper |
1094 | hemiptera | Orthocephalus saltator | A mirid bug |
1095 | hemiptera | Pachytomella parallela | A mirid Bug |
1096 | hemiptera | Pentatoma rufipes | Red-legged Shieldbug |
1097 | hemiptera | Philaenus spumarius | |
1098 | hemiptera | Picromerus bidens | Spined Shieldbug |
1099 | hemiptera | Piezodorus lituratus | Gorse Shieldbug |
1100 | hemiptera | Plagiognathus arbustorum | A mirid Bug |
1101 | hemiptera | Plagiognathus chrysanthemi | A mirid Bug |
1102 | hemiptera | Rhabdomiris striatellus | A mirid bug |
1103 | hemiptera | Scolopostethus thomsoni | A lygaeid bug |
1104 | hemiptera | Sigara concinna | An aquatic bug |
1105 | hemiptera | Sigara dorsalis | An aquatic bug |
1106 | hemiptera | Sigara falleni | An aquatic bug |
1107 | hemiptera | Sigara lateralis | An aquatic bug |
1108 | hemiptera | Speudotettix subfusculus | |
1109 | hemiptera | Stenocranus minutus | |
1110 | hemiptera | Stenodema calcarata | A mirid bug |
1111 | hemiptera | Stenodema holsata | A mirid bug |
1112 | hemiptera | Stenodema laevigata | A bug |
1113 | hemiptera | Stenotus binotatus | |
1114 | hemiptera | Streptanus aemulans | |
1115 | hemiptera | Streptanus sordidus | |
1116 | hemiptera | Symydobius oblongus | Shiny birch aphid |
1117 | hemiptera | Tachycixius pilosus | A hopper |
1118 | hemiptera | Tetraphleps bicuspis | An anthocorid bug |
1119 | hemiptera | Tingis cardui | Thistle Lacebug |
1120 | hemiptera | Troilus luridus | Bronze Shieldbug |
1121 | hemiptera | Typhlocyba quercus | A leafhopper |
1122 | hemiptera | Uroleucon jaceae | Large Knapweed Aphid |
1123 | hemiptera | Velia caprai | Water Cricket |
1124 | coleoptera | Abax parallelopipedus | A ground beetle |
1125 | diptera | Acidia cognata | A fly |
1126 | coleoptera | Acrotona graminicola | A rove beetle |
1127 | coleoptera | Adalia bipunctata | 2 Spot Ladybird |
1128 | coleoptera | Adalia decempunctata | 10-spot Ladybird |
1129 | coleoptera | Agabus bipustulatus | A diving beetle |
1130 | coleoptera | Agabus paludosus | A diving beetle |
1131 | coleoptera | Agonum fuliginosum | A ground beetle |
1132 | coleoptera | Agonum muelleri | A ground beetle |
1133 | coleoptera | Agonum thoreyi | A ground beetle |
1134 | coleoptera | Aloconota gregaria | A rove beetle |
1135 | coleoptera | Altica lythri | A ground beetle |
1136 | coleoptera | Amara plebeja | A ground beetle |
1137 | diptera | Amauromyza labiatarum | A fly |
1138 | coleoptera | Amischa analis | A rove beetle |
1139 | coleoptera | Anacaena globulus | A beetle |
1140 | coleoptera | Anaspis maculata | A beetle |
1141 | coleoptera | Anchomenus dorsalis | A ground Beetle |
1142 | coleoptera | Andrion regensteinense | A broad-nosed Weevil |
1143 | coleoptera | Anotylus rugosus | A rove beetle |
1144 | coleoptera | Antherophagus nigricornis | A beetle |
1145 | coleoptera | Anthobium atrocephalum | A rove beetle |
1146 | coleoptera | Anthobium unicolor | A rove beetle |
1147 | coleoptera | Anthonomus pedicularius | A weevil |
1148 | coleoptera | Aphodius rufipes | A dung beetle |
1149 | coleoptera | Aphodius sphacelatus | A dung beetle |
1150 | coleoptera | Archarius salicivorus | A Weevil |
1151 | coleoptera | Atheta fungi | A rove beetle |
1152 | coleoptera | Atheta fungi | A rove beetle |
1153 | coleoptera | Atheta graminicola | A rove beetle |
1154 | coleoptera | Atholus duodecimstriatus | A histerid beetle |
1155 | coleoptera | Atomaria atricapilla | A beetle |
1156 | coleoptera | Barynotus moerens | A broad-nosed weevil |
1157 | coleoptera | Barypeithes araneiformis | A broad-nosed weevil |
1158 | coleoptera | Bembidion aeneum | A ground beetle |
1159 | coleoptera | Bembidion biguttatum | A ground beetle |
1160 | coleoptera | Bembidion guttula | A ground beetle |
1161 | coleoptera | Bembidion lunulatum | A ground beetle |
1162 | coleoptera | Bembidion mannerheimi | A ground beetle |
1163 | coleoptera | Bolitobius castaneus | A rove beetle |
1164 | coleoptera | Calvia quattuordecimguttata | Cream-spot Ladybird |
1165 | coleoptera | Cantharis cryptica | A Soldier Beetle |
1166 | coleoptera | Cantharis decipiens | A Soldier Beetle |
1167 | coleoptera | Cantharis nigra | A Soldier Beetle |
1168 | coleoptera | Cantharis nigricans | A Soldier Beetle |
1169 | coleoptera | Cantharsi pallida | A soldier beetle |
1170 | coleoptera | Carabus granulatus | A ground beetle |
1171 | coleoptera | Carabus nemoralis | A ground beetle |
1172 | coleoptera | Carabus problematicus | A ground beetle |
1173 | coleoptera | Carpelimus elongatulus | A rove beetle |
1174 | coleoptera | Cartodere bifasciatus | A beetle |
1175 | coleoptera | Cartodere nodifer | A beetle |
1176 | coleoptera | Cassida flaveola | Pale Tortoise Beetle |
1177 | coleoptera | Cassida rubiginosa | Thistle Tortoise Beetle |
1178 | coleoptera | Catops morio | A beetle |
1179 | coleoptera | Catops tristis | A beetle |
1180 | coleoptera | Cercyon melanocephalus | A water scavenger beetle |
1181 | coleoptera | Chaetocnema concinna | A flea beetle |
1182 | coleoptera | Chilocorus renipustulatus | Kidney-spot Ladybird |
1183 | coleoptera | Chrysolina herbacea | Mint Leaf Beetle |
1184 | coleoptera | Chrysolina polita | Knot-grass Leaf Beetle |
1185 | coleoptera | Chrysolina staphylaea | A leaf beetle |
1186 | coleoptera | Cis bilamellatus | A minute tree-fungus beetle |
1187 | coleoptera | Clivina collaris | A ground beetle |
1188 | coleoptera | Coccidula rufa | A ladybird |
1189 | coleoptera | Coccinella septempunctata | 7-spot Ladybird |
1190 | coleoptera | Coeliodinus nigritarsis | A weevil |
1191 | coleoptera | Coelositona cambricus | A broad-nosed weevil |
1192 | coleoptera | Colymbetes fuscus | A water beetle |
1193 | coleoptera | Creophilus maximus | A rove beetle |
1194 | coleoptera | Crepidodera fulvicornis | A willow flea beetle |
1195 | coleoptera | Crepidodera transversa | A beetle |
1196 | coleoptera | Ctenicera cuprea | A click beetle |
1197 | coleoptera | Cychrus caraboides | Snail Hunter |
1198 | coleoptera | Cyphon variabilis | A marsh beetle |
1199 | coleoptera | Dalopius marginatus | A click beetle |
1200 | coleoptera | Denticollis linearis | A click beetle |
1201 | coleoptera | Deporaus betulae | Birch Leaf Roller |
1202 | coleoptera | Dorytomus salicinus | A weevil |
1203 | coleoptera | Dorytomus taeniatus | A weevil |
1204 | coleoptera | Dorytomus tortrix | A weevil |
1205 | coleoptera | Dromius quadrimaculatus | A ground beetle |
1206 | coleoptera | Dryops ernesti | A beetle |
1207 | coleoptera | Dytiscus marginalis | Great Diving Beetle |
1208 | coleoptera | Elaphrus riparius | A ground beetle |
1209 | coleoptera | Encephalus complicans | A rove beetle |
1210 | coleoptera | Epuraea aestiva | A sap beetle |
1211 | coleoptera | Epuraea biguttata | A sap beetle |
1212 | coleoptera | Euaesthetus bipunctatus | A rove beetle |
1213 | coleoptera | Exapion ulicis | A weevil |
1214 | coleoptera | Exochomus quadripustulatus | Pine Ladybird |
1215 | coleoptera | Galerucella lineola | A leaf beetle |
1216 | coleoptera | Gastrophysa polygoni | A leaf beetle |
1217 | coleoptera | Gastrophysa viridula | Green Dock Beetle |
1218 | coleoptera | Geostiba circellaris | A rove beetle |
1219 | coleoptera | Geotrupes stercorosus | A dung beetle |
1220 | coleoptera | Grypus equisetae | Horsetail Weevil |
1221 | coleoptera | Gyrinus substriatus | A whirlygig beetle |
1222 | coleoptera | Gyrohypnus angustatus | A rove beetle |
1223 | coleoptera | Habrocerus capillaricornis | A rove beetle |
1224 | coleoptera | Halyzia sedecimguttata | Orange Ladybird |
1225 | coleoptera | Helophorus aequalis | A water beetle |
1226 | coleoptera | Helophorus brevipalpis | A water beetle |
1227 | coleoptera | Helophorus grandis | A water beetle |
1228 | coleoptera | Helophorus obscurus | A water beetle |
1229 | coleoptera | Hemicrepidius hirtus | A click beetle |
1230 | coleoptera | Hydroporus palustris | A diving beetle |
1231 | coleoptera | Hydrothassa marginella | A leaf beetle |
1232 | coleoptera | Hylurgops palliatus | A beetle |
1233 | coleoptera | Hypnoidus riparius | A click beetle |
1234 | coleoptera | Ischnopterapion virens | White Clover Weevil |
1235 | coleoptera | Lathrobium brunnipes | A rove beetle |
1236 | coleoptera | Lathrobium fulvipenne | A rove beetle |
1237 | coleoptera | Leistus fulvibarbis | A ground beetle |
1238 | coleoptera | Leistus rufomarginatus | A ground beetle |
1239 | coleoptera | Lesteva longoelytrata | A rove beetle |
1240 | coleoptera | Liogluta oblongiuscula | A rove beetle |
1241 | coleoptera | Liophloeus tessulatus | A broad-nosed weevil |
1242 | diptera | Liriomyza centaureae | A fly |
1243 | diptera | Liriomyza congesta | A fly |
1244 | diptera | Liriomyza strigata | A fly |
1245 | coleoptera | Lochmaea caprea | Willow Leaf Beetle |
1246 | coleoptera | Loricera pilicornis | A ground beetle |
1247 | coleoptera | Malthodes marginatus | A Soldier Beetle |
1248 | coleoptera | Malthodes minimus | A Soldier Beetle |
1249 | coleoptera | Margarinotus neglectus | The Lonely Clown |
1250 | coleoptera | Mecinus pascuorum | A Weevil |
1251 | coleoptera | Megarthrus depressus | A rove beetle |
1252 | coleoptera | Meligethes aeneus | Common Pollen Beetle |
1253 | coleoptera | Micrambe ulicis | A beetle |
1254 | coleoptera | Mocyta fungi | A rove beetle |
1255 | coleoptera | Monotoma picipes | A beetle |
1256 | coleoptera | Myzia oblongoguttata | Striped Ladybird |
1257 | coleoptera | Nebria brevicollis | A ground beetle |
1258 | coleoptera | Nedyus quadrimaculatus | Nettle Weevil |
1259 | coleoptera | Nicrophorus humator | Black Sexton Beetle |
1260 | coleoptera | Nicrophorus investigator | Banded Sexton Beetle |
1261 | coleoptera | Nicrophorus vespilloides | Common Sexton Beetle |
1262 | coleoptera | Notiophilus biguttatus | A ground beetle |
1263 | coleoptera | Notiophilus substriatus | A ground beetle |
1264 | coleoptera | Ocypus aeneocephalus | A rove beetle |
1265 | coleoptera | Oiceoptoma thoracicum | A carrion Beetle |
1266 | coleoptera | Olophrum piceum | A rove beetle |
1267 | coleoptera | Omalium excavatum | A rove beetle |
1268 | coleoptera | Omonadus floralis | An ant-like flower beetle |
1269 | coleoptera | Orchestes fagi | A weevil |
1270 | coleoptera | Orchestes rusci | A broad-nosed weevil |
1271 | coleoptera | Othius angustus | A rove beetle |
1272 | coleoptera | Othius punctulatus | A rove beetle |
1273 | coleoptera | Otiorhynchus singularis | Clay-coloured Weevil |
1274 | coleoptera | Oulema melanopus | Cereal Leaf Beetle |
1275 | coleoptera | Oxystoma subulatum | A weevil |
1276 | coleoptera | Oxytelus laqueatus | A rove beetle |
1277 | coleoptera | Paradromius linearis | A ground beetle |
1278 | coleoptera | Phaedon tumidulus | A leaf beetle |
1279 | coleoptera | Philonthus carbonarius | A rove beetle |
1280 | coleoptera | Philonthus decorus | A rove beetle |
1281 | coleoptera | Philonthus laminatus | A rove beetle |
1282 | coleoptera | Phratora laticollis | A leaf beetle |
1283 | coleoptera | Phratora vitellinae | A leaf beetle |
1284 | coleoptera | Phyllobius argentatus | A broad-nosed weevil |
1285 | coleoptera | Phyllobius glaucus | A broad-nosed weevil |
1286 | coleoptera | Phyllobius pomaceus | Green Nettle Weevil |
1287 | coleoptera | Phyllobius pyri | A broad-nosed weevil |
1288 | coleoptera | Phyllobius sulcatus | A broad-nosed weevil |
1289 | coleoptera | Phyllodecta laticollis | A leaf beetle |
1290 | coleoptera | Phyllodecta vulgatissima | Blue Willow Beetle |
1291 | coleoptera | Phyllotreta nigripes | A flea beetle |
1292 | coleoptera | Phyllotreta undulata | Small striped Flea Beetle |
1293 | diptera | Phytomyza angelicastri | A fly |
1294 | coleoptera | Polydrusus formosus | A broad-nosed weevil |
1295 | coleoptera | Prasocuris junci | Brooklime Leaf Beetle |
1296 | coleoptera | Protapion assimile | Clover seed weevil |
1297 | coleoptera | Protapion trifolii | A weevil |
1298 | coleoptera | Proteinus ovalis | A rove beetle |
1299 | coleoptera | Psylliodes napi | A leaf beetle |
1300 | coleoptera | Pterostichus madidus | A ground beetle |
1301 | coleoptera | Pterostichus niger | A ground beetle |
1302 | coleoptera | Pterostichus nigrita | A ground beetle |
1303 | coleoptera | Pterostichus strenuus | A ground beetle |
1304 | coleoptera | Quedius cinctus | A rove beetle |
1305 | coleoptera | Quedius fuliginosus | A rove beetle |
1306 | coleoptera | Quedius fumatus | A rove beetle |
1307 | coleoptera | Quedius maurorufus | A rove beetle |
1308 | coleoptera | Reichenbachia juncorum | A Rove Beetle |
1309 | coleoptera | Rhagium bifasciatum | A long horned beetle |
1310 | coleoptera | Rhagonycha fulva | A Soldier Beetle |
1311 | coleoptera | Rhagonycha lignosa | A Soldier Beetle |
1312 | coleoptera | Rhagonycha limbata | A Soldier Beetle |
1313 | coleoptera | Rhantus exsoletus | A diving beetle |
1314 | coleoptera | Rhinoncus leucostigma | A Weevil |
1315 | coleoptera | Sciaphilus asperatus | A broad-nosed weevil |
1316 | coleoptera | Sepedophilus nigripennis | A rove beetle |
1317 | coleoptera | Silpha atrata | A Carrion Beetle |
1318 | coleoptera | Sitona lineatus | Pea-leaf Weevil |
1319 | coleoptera | Sitona sulcifrons | A broad-nosed Weevil |
1320 | coleoptera | Sitona suturalis | A broad-nosed Weevil |
1321 | coleoptera | Sphaeridium scarabaeoides | A water beetle |
1322 | coleoptera | Stenichnus collaris | A rove beetle |
1323 | coleoptera | Stenus bifoveolatus | A rove beetle |
1324 | coleoptera | Stenus bimaculatus | A rove beetle |
1325 | coleoptera | Stenus brunnipes | A rove beetle |
1326 | coleoptera | Stenus canaliculatus | A rove beetle |
1327 | coleoptera | Stenus clavicornis | A rove beetle |
1328 | coleoptera | Stenus crassus | A rove beetle |
1329 | coleoptera | Stenus flavipes | A rove beetle |
1330 | coleoptera | Stenus impressus | A rove beetle |
1331 | coleoptera | Stenus juno | A rove beetle |
1332 | coleoptera | Stenus pallitarsis | A rove beetle |
1333 | coleoptera | Stenus picipennis | A rove beetle |
1334 | coleoptera | Stenus pubescens | A rove beetle |
1335 | coleoptera | Stenus similis | A rove beetle |
1336 | coleoptera | Stephostethus lardarius | A scavenger beetle |
1337 | coleoptera | Tachinus rufipes | A rove beetle |
1338 | coleoptera | Tachinus subterraneus | A rove beetle |
1339 | coleoptera | Tachyporus dispar | A rove beetle |
1340 | coleoptera | Tachyporus hypnorum | A rove beetle |
1341 | coleoptera | Tachyporus nitidulus | A rove beetle |
1342 | coleoptera | Tachyporus obtusus | A rove beetle |
1343 | coleoptera | Tasgius melanarius | A rove beetle |
1344 | coleoptera | Thanatophilus rugosus | A carrion Beetle |
1345 | coleoptera | Trichocellus placidus | A ground beetle |
1346 | coleoptera | Trichosirocalus troglodytes | A weevil |
1347 | coleoptera | Triplax aenea | A beetle |
1348 | coleoptera | Xantholinus longiventris | A rove beetle |
1349 | coleoptera | Agabus sturmii | A diving beetle |
1350 | diptera | Anasimyia contracta | A hover fly |
1351 | diptera | Anatopynia plumipes | A non-biting midge |
1352 | diptera | Anomoia purmunda | A tephritid fly |
1353 | diptera | Anthomyia pluvialis | A flower fly |
1354 | diptera | Anthomyia procellaris | A flower fly |
1355 | diptera | Aphanotrigonum trilineatum | A frit fly |
1356 | diptera | Argyra diaphana | A Dolichopodid fly |
1357 | diptera | Argyra leucocephala | A Dolichopodid fly |
1358 | diptera | Austrolimnophila ochracea | A Cranefly |
1359 | diptera | Azelia nebulosa | A muscid fly |
1360 | diptera | Baccha elongata | A hover fly |
1361 | diptera | Bellardia vulgaris | A blow fly |
1362 | diptera | Beris chalybata | Murky-legged Black Legionnaire |
1363 | diptera | Beris geniculata | A Soldier Fly |
1364 | diptera | Beris vallata | A Soldier Fly |
1365 | diptera | Bibio johannis | A bibionid fly |
1366 | diptera | Bibio lepidus | A bibionid fly |
1367 | diptera | Bibio leucopterus | A bibionid fly |
1368 | diptera | Bibio marci | St.Mark's Fly |
1369 | diptera | Blondelia nigripes | A tachinid fly |
1370 | diptera | Bolitophila saundersii | A fungus gnat |
1371 | diptera | Bombylius major | Bee Fly |
1372 | diptera | Botanophila fugax | A flower fly |
1373 | diptera | Brachicheta strigata | A tachinid fly |
1374 | diptera | Brachicoma devia | A flesh fly |
1375 | diptera | Calliphora loewi | A blow fly |
1376 | diptera | Calliphora subalpina | Wood Bluebottle |
1377 | diptera | Calliphora vicina | Common Bluebottle |
1378 | diptera | Calliphora vomitoria | |
1379 | diptera | Campichoete obscuripennis | A fly |
1380 | diptera | Campsicnemus scambus | A long-legged fly |
1381 | diptera | Chaetostomella cylindrica | A Picture-winged Fly |
1382 | diptera | Cheilosia albitarsis | A hover fly |
1383 | diptera | Cheilosia antiqua | A hover fly |
1384 | diptera | Cheilosia bergenstammi | A hover fly |
1385 | diptera | Cheilosia chrysocoma | A hover fly |
1386 | diptera | Cheilosia fraterna | A hover fly |
1387 | diptera | Cheilosia grossa | A hover fly |
1388 | diptera | Cheilosia illustrata | A hover fly |
1389 | diptera | Cheilosia impressa | A hover fly |
1390 | diptera | Cheilosia nebulosa | A hover fly |
1391 | diptera | Cheilosia pagana | A hover fly |
1392 | diptera | Cheilosia proxima | A hover fly |
1393 | diptera | Cheilosia scutellata | A hover fly |
1394 | diptera | Cheilosia variabilis | A hover fly |
1395 | diptera | Chloromyia formosa | Broad Centurion |
1396 | diptera | Chromatomyia aprilina | A leaf miner |
1397 | diptera | Chrysogaster solstitialis | A hover fly |
1398 | diptera | Chrysopilus cristatus | Black Snipefly |
1399 | diptera | Chrysotoxum arcuatum | A hover fly |
1400 | diptera | Chrysotoxum bicinctum | A hover fly |
1401 | diptera | Coenosia lacteipennis | A muscid fly |
1402 | diptera | Conops quadrifasciata | A Conopid fly |
1403 | diptera | Contarinia jacobaeae | |
1404 | diptera | Copromyza stercoraria | A lesser dung fly |
1405 | diptera | Crumomyia fimetaria | A lesser dung fly |
1406 | diptera | Crumomyia roserii | A lesser dung fly |
1407 | diptera | Culex pipiens | A mosquito |
1408 | diptera | Culiseta annulata | A mosquito |
1409 | diptera | Cynomya mortuorum | A blow fly |
1410 | diptera | Dasyneura pustulans | A gall midge |
1411 | diptera | Dasyneura ulmariae | A gall midge |
1412 | diptera | Dasysyrphus tricinctus | A hover fly |
1413 | diptera | Dasysyrphus venustus | A hover fly |
1414 | diptera | Delia florilega | A flower fly |
1415 | diptera | Delia platura | A flower fly |
1416 | diptera | Dicranomyia chorea | A Cranefly |
1417 | diptera | Dicranomyia modesta | A Cranefly |
1418 | diptera | Didea fasciata | A hover fly |
1419 | diptera | Dilophus febrilis | Fever fly |
1420 | diptera | Diogma glabrata | A crane fly |
1421 | diptera | Dixa nebulosa | A miniscus midge |
1422 | diptera | Dixella aestivalis | A miniscus midge |
1423 | diptera | Dolichopus picipes | A Dolichopodid fly |
1424 | diptera | Dolichopus plumipes | A Dolichopodid fly |
1425 | diptera | Dolichopus popularis | A Dolichopodid fly |
1426 | diptera | Dolichopus rupestris | A Dolichopodid fly |
1427 | diptera | Dolichopus simplex | A Dolichopodid fly |
1428 | diptera | Dolichopus wahlenbergi | A Dolichopodid fly |
1429 | diptera | Dorylomorpha extricata | A Pipunculid fly |
1430 | diptera | Drosophila subobscura | A fruit fly |
1431 | diptera | Dryomyza flaveola | A dryomyzid fly |
1432 | diptera | Egle ciliata | A flower fly |
1433 | diptera | Egle minuta | An anthomyid fly |
1434 | diptera | Elachiptera cornuta agg. | A Chloropid fly |
1435 | diptera | Elgiva solicita | A snail-killing fly |
1436 | diptera | Empis livida | A dance fly |
1437 | diptera | Empis nigripes | A dance fly |
1438 | diptera | Empis planetica | A dance fly |
1439 | diptera | Empis stercorea | A dance fly |
1440 | diptera | Empis tessellata | A dance fly |
1441 | diptera | Empis trigramma | A dance fly |
1442 | diptera | Epicampocera succincta | A tachinid fly |
1443 | diptera | Epiphragma ocellare | A crane fly |
1444 | diptera | Epistrophe grossulariae | A hover fly |
1445 | diptera | Episyrphus balteatus | Marmalade hover fly |
1446 | diptera | Erioptera flavata | A crane fly |
1447 | diptera | Erioptera fuscipennis | A crane fly |
1448 | diptera | Eristalis arbustorum | A hover fly |
1449 | diptera | Eristalis horticola | A hover fly |
1450 | diptera | Eristalis intricarius | A hover fly |
1451 | diptera | Eristalis nemorum | A hover fly |
1452 | diptera | Eristalis pertinax | A hover fly |
1453 | diptera | Eristalis tenax | Common Drone Fly |
1454 | diptera | Eudasyphora cyanella | A musicd fly |
1455 | diptera | Eudasyphora cyanicolor | A musicd fly |
1456 | diptera | Eumera funeralis | A hover fly |
1457 | diptera | Eupeodes latifasciatus | A hover fly |
1458 | diptera | Eupeodes luniger | A hover fly |
1459 | diptera | Euphylidorea dispar | A crane fly |
1460 | diptera | Exechia sp. | A fungus gnat |
1461 | diptera | Fannia fuscula | A lesser house fly |
1462 | diptera | Fannia lustrator | A lesser house fly |
1463 | diptera | Fannia mollissima | A fly |
1464 | diptera | Fannia parva | A lesser house fly |
1465 | diptera | Fannia postica | A lesser house fly |
1466 | diptera | Gymnocheta viridis | A tachinid fly |
1467 | diptera | Haematobosca stimulans | A muscid fly |
1468 | diptera | Haematopota pluvialis | Common Horse Fly |
1469 | diptera | Hartigiola annulipes | Hairy Beech Gall |
1470 | diptera | Hebecnema vespertina | A muscid fly |
1471 | diptera | Heilna impuncta | A muscid fly |
1472 | diptera | Heleomyza serrata | A heleomyzid fly |
1473 | diptera | Helina evecta | A muscid fly |
1474 | diptera | Helina reversio | A muscid fly |
1475 | diptera | Helophilus hybridus | A hover fly |
1476 | diptera | Helophilus pendulus | A hover fly |
1477 | diptera | Helophilus trivittata | A hover fly |
1478 | diptera | Herina frondescentiae | A Picture-winged Fly |
1479 | diptera | Heteromyza commixta | A heleomyzid fly |
1480 | diptera | Heteromyza rotundicornis | A heleomyzid fly |
1481 | diptera | Heteronycha vagans | A flesh fly |
1482 | diptera | Hirtodrosophila cameraria | A fruit fly |
1483 | diptera | Hydromya dorsalis | A Snail-killing Fly |
1484 | diptera | Hydrophoria lancifer | A flower fly |
1485 | diptera | Hydrotaea armipes | A muscid fly |
1486 | diptera | Hydrotaea diabolus | A muscid fly |
1487 | diptera | Hydrotaea floccosa | A muscid fly |
1488 | diptera | Hydrotaea irritans | A muscid fly |
1489 | diptera | Hydrotaea meteorica | A muscid fly |
1490 | diptera | Hylemya nigrimana | A flower fly |
1491 | diptera | Hylemya vagans | A flower fly |
1492 | diptera | Hylemya variata | A flower fly |
1493 | diptera | Lasiomma seminitidum | A flower fly |
1494 | diptera | Lauxania cylindricornis | A lauxaniid fly |
1495 | diptera | Lejogaster metallina | A hover fly |
1496 | diptera | Leptocera fontinalis | A lesser dung fly |
1497 | diptera | Leucophenga maculata | A fruit fly |
1498 | diptera | Leucozona glaucia | A hover fly |
1499 | diptera | Leucozona lucorum | A hover fly |
1500 | diptera | Limnellia fallax | A shore fly |
1501 | diptera | Limnellia quadrata | A shore fly |
1502 | diptera | Limnophora nigripes | A muscid fly |
1503 | diptera | Limonia nubeculosa | A Cranefly |
1504 | diptera | Limonia phragmitidis | A Cranefly |
1505 | diptera | Lispe tentaculata | A muscid fly |
1506 | diptera | Lispocephala erythrocera | A muscid fly |
1507 | diptera | Lonchoptera bifurcata | A spear-winged Fly |
1508 | diptera | Lonchoptera lutea | Yellow spear-winged fly |
1509 | diptera | Lotophila atra | A lesser dung fly |
1510 | diptera | Lucilia caesar | A blow fly |
1511 | diptera | Lydella stabulans | A tachinid fly |
1512 | diptera | Lypha dubia | A tachinid fly |
1513 | diptera | Melangyna cf labiatarum | A hover fly |
1514 | diptera | Melangyna lasiophthalma | A hover fly |
1515 | diptera | Melangyna quadrimaculata | A hover fly |
1516 | diptera | Melangyna umbellatarum | A hover fly |
1517 | diptera | Melanogaster hirtella | A hover fly |
1518 | diptera | Melanostoma mellinum | A hover fly |
1519 | diptera | Melanostoma scalare | A hover fly |
1520 | diptera | Melinda viridicyanea | A blow fly |
1521 | diptera | Meliscaeva auricollis | A hover fly |
1522 | diptera | Meliscaeva cinctella | A hover fly |
1523 | diptera | Merodon equestris | A hover fly |
1524 | diptera | Mesembrina meridiana | Noon Fly |
1525 | diptera | Microchrysa flavicornis | A Soldier Fly |
1526 | diptera | Molophilus appendiculatus | A Cranefly |
1527 | diptera | Morellia simplex | A muscid fly |
1528 | diptera | Muscina levida | A muscid fly |
1529 | diptera | Muscina prolapsa | A muscid fly |
1530 | diptera | Myathropa florea | A hover fly |
1531 | diptera | Mycetophila fungorum | A fungus gnat |
1532 | diptera | Mycetophila ornata | A fungus gnat |
1533 | diptera | Mycomya tenuis | A fungus gnat |
1534 | diptera | Mycophaga testacea | A flower fly |
1535 | diptera | Mydaea anicula | A muscid fly |
1536 | diptera | Mydaea urbana | A muscid fly |
1537 | diptera | Nanna inermis | a dung fly |
1538 | diptera | Nanna tibiella | A dung fly |
1539 | diptera | Neoascia meticulosa | A hover fly |
1540 | diptera | Neoascia podagrica | A hover fly |
1541 | diptera | Neoleria inscripta | A heleomyzid fly |
1542 | diptera | Neoleria propinqua | A heleomyzid fly |
1543 | diptera | Neoleria ruficauda | A heleomyzid fly |
1544 | diptera | Neomyia cornicina | A muscid fly |
1545 | diptera | Nephrotoma appendiculata | A Cranefly |
1546 | diptera | Neuroctena anilis | A dryomyzid fly |
1547 | diptera | Norellisoma spinimanum | A scathophagid fly |
1548 | diptera | Opacifrons humida | A lesser dung fly |
1549 | diptera | Opomyza germinationis | An opomyzid fly |
1550 | diptera | Opomyza punctata | An opomyzid fly |
1551 | diptera | Ormosia nodulosa | A crane fly |
1552 | diptera | Palloptera modesta | |
1553 | diptera | Palloptera quinquemaculata | A fly |
1554 | diptera | Palloptera scutellata | Rush Flutter Fly |
1555 | diptera | Palloptera umbellatarum | A fly |
1556 | diptera | Paracraspedothrix montivaga | A tachinid fly |
1557 | diptera | Paradelia intersecta | An anthomyid fly |
1558 | diptera | Paregle audacula | A flower fly |
1559 | diptera | Parhelophilus versicolor | A hover fly |
1560 | diptera | Parydra aquila | A shore fly |
1561 | diptera | Parydra quadripunctata | A shore fly |
1562 | diptera | Pedicia rivosa | A cranefly |
1563 | diptera | Pegomya bicolor | A flower fly |
1564 | diptera | Pegoplata aestiva | A flower fly |
1565 | diptera | Pegoplata infirma | A flower fly |
1566 | diptera | Pericoma pilularia | A moth fly |
1567 | diptera | Phaonia angelicae | A muscid fly |
1568 | diptera | Phaonia errans | A muscid fly |
1569 | diptera | Phaonia rufiventris | A muscid fly |
1570 | diptera | Phaonia serva | A muscid fly |
1571 | diptera | Phaonia subventa | A muscid fly |
1572 | diptera | Phaonia tuguriorum | A muscid fly |
1573 | diptera | Phaonia valida | A muscid fly |
1574 | diptera | Phasia hemiptera | A tachinid fly |
1575 | diptera | Pherbellia ventralis | A sciomyzid fly |
1576 | diptera | Phorbia fumigata | A flower fly |
1577 | diptera | Phronia forcipula | A fungus gnat |
1578 | diptera | Phronia humeralis | A fungus gnat |
1579 | diptera | Phytomyza ilicis | Holly Leaf Gall Fly |
1580 | diptera | Phytomyza spinaciae | An agromyzid fly |
1581 | diptera | Phytomyza spondylii s.l. | |
1582 | diptera | Phytosciara flavipes | A sciarid fly |
1583 | diptera | Pierretia nigriventris | A flesh fly |
1584 | diptera | Pipiza noctiluca | A hover fly |
1585 | diptera | Pipizella viduata | A hover fly |
1586 | diptera | Pipunculus campestris | A big-headed fly |
1587 | diptera | Platycheirus albimanus | A hover fly |
1588 | diptera | Platycheirus angustatus | A hover fly |
1589 | diptera | Platycheirus clypeatus | A hover fly |
1590 | diptera | Platycheirus fulviventris | A hover fly |
1591 | diptera | Platycheirus granditarsus | A hover fly |
1592 | diptera | Platycheirus manicatus | A hover fly |
1593 | diptera | Platycheirus peltatus | A hover fly |
1594 | diptera | Platycheirus rosarum | A hover fly |
1595 | diptera | Platycheirus scutatus | A hover fly |
1596 | diptera | Platycheirus tarsalis | A hover fly |
1597 | diptera | Polietes hirticrus | A muscid fly |
1598 | diptera | Polietes lardarius | A muscid fly |
1599 | diptera | Pollenia griseotomentosa | A blow fly |
1600 | diptera | Pollenia pediculata | A blow fly |
1601 | diptera | Protophormia terraenovae | A blow fly |
1602 | diptera | Psila fimetaria | A fly |
1603 | diptera | Pteremis fenestralis | A lesser dung fly |
1604 | coleoptera | Pterostichus melanarius | A ground beetle |
1605 | diptera | Ptychoptera contaminata | A crane fly |
1606 | diptera | Pullimosina pullula | A lesser dung fly |
1607 | diptera | Rhabdophaga marginemtorquens | |
1608 | diptera | Rhagia lineola | A Snipe Fly |
1609 | diptera | Rhagia scolopaceous | Downlooker Snipefly |
1610 | diptera | Rhamphomyia crassirostris | An empid fly |
1611 | diptera | Rhamphomyia hybotina | An Empid fly |
1612 | diptera | Rhamphomyia pilifer | An empid fly |
1613 | diptera | Rhamphomyia subcinerascens | An Empid fly |
1614 | diptera | Rhamphomyia sulcata | An empid fly |
1615 | diptera | Rhaphium appendiculatum | A Dolichopodid fly |
1616 | diptera | Rhaphium crassipes | A long-legged fly |
1617 | diptera | Rhingia campestris | A hover fly |
1618 | diptera | Riponnensia splendens | A hover fly |
1619 | diptera | Sarcophaga subvicina | A flesh fly |
1620 | diptera | Sargus iridatus | A Soldier Fly |
1621 | diptera | Scaeva pyrastri | Pied hover fly |
1622 | diptera | Scatella stagnalis | A shore fly |
1623 | diptera | Scathophaga furcata | A dung fly |
1624 | diptera | Scathophaga stercoraria | Yellow Dung Fly |
1625 | diptera | Schoenomyza litorella | A muscid fly |
1626 | diptera | Schwenckfeldina carbonaria | A sciarid fly |
1627 | diptera | Sciapus platypterus | A Dolichopodid fly |
1628 | diptera | Sciara hemerobioides | A sciarid fly |
1629 | diptera | Scoliocentra villosa | A heleomyzid fly |
1630 | diptera | Sepsis cynipsea | A sepsid fly |
1631 | diptera | Sepsis fulgens | A sepsid fly |
1632 | diptera | Sepsis orthocnemis | A sepsid fly |
1633 | diptera | Sericomyia silentis | A hover fly |
1634 | diptera | Simulium ornatum | A black fly |
1635 | diptera | Siphona geniculata | A tachinid fly |
1636 | diptera | Sphaerophoria interrupta | A hover fly |
1637 | diptera | Spilogona denigrata | A muscid fly |
1638 | diptera | Stigmatomeria crassicornis | A fungus gnat |
1639 | diptera | Suillia affinis | A heleomyzid fly |
1640 | diptera | Suillia variegata | A heleomyzid fly |
1641 | diptera | Sylvicola cinctus | A wood gnat |
1642 | diptera | Sylvicola fenestralis | A wood gnat |
1643 | diptera | Sylvicola punctatus | A wood gnat |
1644 | diptera | Symplecta stictica | A crane fly |
1645 | diptera | Syritta pipiens | A hover fly |
1646 | diptera | Syrphus ribesii | A hover fly |
1647 | diptera | Syrphus torvus | A hover fly |
1648 | diptera | Syrphus vitripennis | A hover fly |
1649 | diptera | Tachina fera | A tachinid fly |
1650 | diptera | Tachina ursina | A tachinid fly |
1651 | diptera | Tephritis hyoscyami | A Picture-winged Fly |
1652 | diptera | Tephritis neesii | A Picture-winged Fly |
1653 | diptera | Tephrochlaena halterata | A heleomyzid fly |
1654 | diptera | Tephrochlamys flavipes | A heleomyzid fly |
1655 | diptera | Tephrochlamys rufiventris | A heleomyzid fly |
1656 | diptera | Tetanocera hyalipennis | Shiny-fronted Buff Snailkiller |
1657 | diptera | Thaumatomyia notata | A chloropid fly |
1658 | diptera | Thricops diaphanus | A muscid fly |
1659 | diptera | Thricops longipes | A muscid fly |
1660 | diptera | Thricops semicinereus | A muscid fly |
1661 | diptera | Tipula confusa | A crane fly |
1662 | diptera | Tipula fulvipennis | A crane fly |
1663 | diptera | Tipula lateralis | A crane fly |
1664 | diptera | Tipula lunata | A crane fly |
1665 | diptera | Tipula luteipennis | A crane fly |
1666 | diptera | Tipula maxima | A crane fly |
1667 | diptera | Tipula oleracea | A crane fly |
1668 | diptera | Tipula paludosa | A crane fly |
1669 | diptera | Tipula rufina | A crane fly |
1670 | diptera | Tipula submarmorata | A crane fly |
1671 | diptera | Tipula variicornis | A crane fly |
1672 | diptera | Tipula vernalis | A crane fly |
1673 | diptera | Tipula vittata | A crane fly |
1674 | diptera | Triarthria setipennis | A tachinid fly |
1675 | diptera | Trichocera hiemalis | A winter gnat |
1676 | diptera | Trichocera regelationis | A Winter Gnat |
1677 | diptera | Tricholauxania praeusta | A lauxaniid fly |
1678 | diptera | Trichopeza longicornis | A Picture-winged Fly |
1679 | diptera | Tricyphona immaculata | A crane fly |
1680 | diptera | Triphleba collini | A scuttle fly |
1681 | diptera | Urophora jaceana | A Picture-winged Fly |
1682 | diptera | Verrallia aucta | A Pipunculid fly |
1683 | diptera | Volucella bombylans | A hover fly |
1684 | diptera | Volucella pellucens | Pelucid hover fly |
1685 | diptera | Xanthandrus comtus | A hover fly |
1686 | diptera | Xylota segnis | A hover fly |
1687 | diptera | Xyphosia miliaria | A Picture-winged Fly |
1688 | diptera | Zabrachia tenella | Pine Black |
1689 | lep-moth | Abraxas sylvata | Clouded Magpie |
1690 | lep-moth | Abrostola tripartita | Spectacle |
1691 | lep-moth | Acasis viretata | Yellow-barred Brindle |
1692 | lep-moth | Acentria ephemerella | Water Veneer |
1693 | lep-moth | Achlya flavicornis | Yellow Horned |
1694 | lep-moth | Acleris aspersana | Small Rufous Tortrix |
1695 | lep-moth | Acleris emargana | Scalloped Tortrix |
1696 | lep-moth | Acleris laterana agg | Dark-marked Tortrix |
1697 | lep-moth | Acleris sparsana | Lead-coloured Tortrix |
1698 | lep-moth | Acrobasis advenella | Hawthorn Knot-horn |
1699 | lep-moth | Acronicta leporina | Miller |
1700 | lep-moth | Acronicta psi | Grey Dagger |
1701 | lep-moth | Acronicta rumicis | Knot Grass |
1702 | lep-moth | Aethes cnicana | Thistle Straw |
1703 | lep-moth | Agapeta hamana | Garden Straw |
1704 | lep-moth | Agonopterix arenella | Brindled Buff |
1705 | lep-moth | Agonopterix heracliana | Common Brindled Brown |
1706 | lep-moth | Agonopterix nervosa | Burnt-tip Buff |
1707 | lep-moth | Agonopterix ocellana | Red-eyed Buff |
1708 | lep-moth | Agriopis marginaria | Dotted Border |
1709 | lep-moth | Agriphila straminella | Straw Grass-moth |
1710 | lep-moth | Agriphila tristella | Common Grass-moth |
1711 | lep-moth | Agrochola circellaris | Brick |
1712 | lep-moth | Agrochola litura | Brown-spot Pinion |
1713 | lep-moth | Agrochola lota | Red-line Quaker |
1714 | lep-moth | Agrochola macilenta | Yellow-line Quaker |
1715 | lep-moth | Alcis repandata | Mottled Beauty |
1716 | lep-moth | Alsophila aescularia | March Moth |
1717 | lep-moth | Amblyptilia punctidactyla | Brindled Plume |
1718 | lep-moth | Amphipyra berbera | Svensson's Copper Underwing |
1719 | lep-moth | Amphipyra pyramidea | Copper Underwing |
1720 | lep-moth | Amphipyra tragopoginis | Mouse Moth |
1721 | lep-moth | Anania fuscalis | Rattle Pearl |
1722 | lep-moth | Anaplectoides prasina | Green Arches |
1723 | lep-moth | Ancylis badiana | Meadow Hook-wing |
1724 | lep-moth | Anorthoa munda | Twin-spotted Quaker |
1725 | lep-moth | Anthophila fabriciana | Nettle-tap |
1726 | lep-moth | Anticlea badiata | Shoulder Stripe |
1727 | lep-moth | Anticlea derivata | Streamer |
1728 | lep-moth | Apamea crenata | Clouded-bordered Brindle |
1729 | lep-moth | Apamea lithoxylaea | Light Arches |
1730 | lep-moth | Apamea monoglypha | Dark Arches |
1731 | lep-moth | Apamea ophiogramma | Double Lobed |
1732 | lep-moth | Apamea remissa | Dusky Brocade |
1733 | lep-moth | Apamea sordens | Rustic Shoulder-knot |
1734 | lep-moth | Apamea unanimis | Small Clouded Brindle |
1735 | lep-moth | Apamea zeta assimilis | |
1736 | lep-moth | Aplocera plagiata | Treble-bar |
1737 | lep-moth | Aporophyla nigra | Black Rustic |
1738 | lep-moth | Apotomis betuletana | Birch Marble |
1739 | lep-moth | Arctia caja | Garden Tiger |
1740 | lep-moth | Argyresthia bonnetella | Hawthorn Tip Moth |
1741 | lep-moth | Argyresthia brockeella | Gold W |
1742 | lep-moth | Argyresthia conjugella | Apple Fruit Moth |
1743 | lep-moth | Argyresthia goedartella | Brassy Y |
1744 | lep-moth | Argyresthia pygmaeella | Sallow Tip Moth |
1745 | lep-moth | Argyresthia retinella | Speckled Tip Moth |
1746 | lep-moth | Aspilapteryx tringipennella | Ribwort Stilt |
1747 | lep-moth | Atethmia centrago | Centre-barred Sallow |
1748 | lep-moth | Atolmis rubricollis | Red-necked Footman |
1749 | lep-moth | Autographa bractea | Gold Spangle |
1750 | lep-moth | Autographa gamma | Silver Y |
1751 | lep-moth | Autographa jota | Plain Golden Y |
1752 | lep-moth | Autographa pulchrina | Beautiful Golden Y |
1753 | lep-moth | Bactra lancealana | Common Lance |
1754 | lep-moth | Batrachedra praeangusta | Poplar Needle-moth |
1755 | lep-moth | Biston betularia | Peppered Moth |
1756 | lep-moth | Blastobasis adustella | Common Masoner |
1757 | lep-moth | Blastobasis lacticolella | Large Pale Masoner |
1758 | lep-moth | Blastobasis vittata | Dotted Masoner |
1759 | lep-moth | Bohemannia pulverosella | Speckled Apple Dot |
1760 | lep-moth | Bryotropha affinis | Dark Moss-moth |
1761 | lep-moth | Bryotropha terrella | Brown Moss-moth |
1762 | lep-moth | Bupalus piniaria | Bordered White |
1763 | lep-moth | Cabera exanthemata | Common Wave |
1764 | lep-moth | Cabera pusaria | Common White Wave |
1765 | lep-moth | Caloptilia alchimiella | Oak Stilt |
1766 | lep-moth | Caloptilia betulicola | Birch Stilt |
1767 | lep-moth | Caloptilia elongella | Alder Stilt |
1768 | lep-moth | Caloptilia rufipennella | Rufous Stilt |
1769 | lep-moth | Caloptilia stigmatella | Willow Stilt |
1770 | lep-moth | Cameraria ohridella | Horse-chestnut Leaf-miner |
1771 | lep-moth | Campaea margaritata | Light Emerald |
1772 | lep-moth | Camptogramma bilineata | Yellow Shell |
1773 | lep-moth | Capua vulgana | Pale-shouldered Tortrix |
1774 | lep-moth | Caradrina morpheus | Mottled Rustic |
1775 | lep-moth | Carcina quercana | Oak Longhorn |
1776 | lep-moth | Caryocolum fraternella | Stitchwort Groundling |
1777 | lep-moth | Catoptria falsella | Chequered Grass-moth |
1778 | lep-moth | Catoptria margaritella | Pearl-banded Grass-moth |
1779 | lep-moth | Catoptria pinella | Pearl Grass-moth |
1780 | lep-moth | Cauchas fibulella | Speedwell Longhorn |
1781 | lep-moth | Cauchas reamurella | |
1782 | lep-moth | Cauchas rufimitrella | Meadow Longhorn |
1783 | lep-moth | Celypha lacunana | Common Marble |
1784 | lep-moth | Cerapteryx graminis | Antler Moth |
1785 | lep-moth | Chesias legatella | Streak |
1786 | lep-moth | Chiasmia clathrata | Latticed Heath |
1787 | lep-moth | Chloroclysta citrata | Dark Marbled Carpet |
1788 | lep-moth | Chloroclysta miata | Autumn Green Carpet |
1789 | lep-moth | Chloroclysta siterata | Red-Green Carpet |
1790 | lep-moth | Chloroclysta truncata | Common Marbled Carpet |
1791 | lep-moth | Chloroclystis v-ata | V-Pug |
1792 | lep-moth | Chrysoteuchia culmella | Garden Grass-moth |
1793 | lep-moth | Cidaria fulvata | Barred Yellow |
1794 | lep-moth | Cnephasia asseclana | Flax Tortrix |
1795 | lep-moth | Cnephasia incertana | Light Grey Tortrix |
1796 | lep-moth | Cnephasia sp. | Cnephasia species |
1797 | lep-moth | Cnephasia stephensiana | Common Grey Tortrix |
1798 | lep-moth | Cochylimorpha straminea | Common Straw |
1799 | lep-moth | Coleophora albicosta | Gorse Case-bearer |
1800 | lep-moth | Coleophora albicosta | Gorse Case-bearer |
1801 | lep-moth | Coleophora alticolella | Common Rush Case-bearer |
1802 | lep-moth | Coleophora caespititiella | Buff Rush Case-bearer |
1803 | lep-moth | Coleophora glaucicolella | Grey Rush Case-bearer |
1804 | lep-moth | Coleophora otidipennella | Wood-rush Case-bearer |
1805 | lep-moth | Coleophora paripennella | Bronze Case-bearer |
1806 | lep-moth | Coleophora serratella | Common Case-bearer |
1807 | lep-moth | Colocasia coryli | Nut-tree Tussock |
1808 | lep-moth | Colostygia multistrigaria | Mottled Grey |
1809 | lep-moth | Colostygia pectinataria | Green Carpet |
1810 | lep-moth | Colotois pennaria | Feathered Thorn |
1811 | lep-moth | Conistra vaccinii | Chestnut |
1812 | lep-moth | Cosmia trapezina | Dun-bar |
1813 | lep-moth | Cosmorhoe ocellata | Purple Bar |
1814 | lep-moth | Crambus lathoniellus | Meadow Grass-moth |
1815 | lep-moth | Crambus perlella | Satin Grass-moth |
1816 | lep-moth | Cryphia domestica | Marbled Beauty |
1817 | lep-moth | Cydia ulicetana | Common Gorse Moth |
1818 | lep-moth | Dahlica lichenella | Lichen Case-bearer |
1819 | lep-moth | Deilephila elpenor | Elephant Hawk-moth |
1820 | lep-moth | Denticucullus pygmina | Small Wainscot |
1821 | lep-moth | Depressaria pulcherrimella | Pignut Brown |
1822 | lep-moth | Diachrysia chrysitis | Burnished Brass |
1823 | lep-moth | Diarsia brunnea | Purple Clay |
1824 | lep-moth | Diarsia dahlii | Barred Chestnut |
1825 | lep-moth | Diarsia mendica | Ingrailed Clay |
1826 | lep-moth | Diarsia rubi | Small Square-spot |
1827 | lep-moth | Dichrorampha aeratana | Dingy Daisy Moth |
1828 | lep-moth | Dioryctria abietella | Pine Knot-horn |
1829 | lep-moth | Ditula angustiorana | Red-barred Tortrix |
1830 | lep-moth | Diurnea fagella | Early Reveller |
1831 | lep-moth | Drepana falcataria | Pebble Hook-tip |
1832 | lep-moth | Dyseriocrania subpurpurella | Common Spring Jewel |
1833 | lep-moth | Eana osseana | Dotted Cloak |
1834 | lep-moth | Ecliptopera silaceata | Small Phoenix |
1835 | lep-moth | Ectoedemia albifasciella | White-banded Dot |
1836 | lep-moth | Ectoedemia occultella | Large Birch Dot |
1837 | lep-moth | Ectropis crepuscularia | Engrailed |
1838 | lep-moth | Eilema depressa | Buff Footman |
1839 | lep-moth | Elachista argentella | Silver Grass-miner |
1840 | lep-moth | Elachista atricomella | Cock's-foot Miner |
1841 | lep-moth | Elachista bisulcella | Yellow-edged Grass-miner |
1842 | lep-moth | Elachista canapennella | Common Grass-miner |
1843 | lep-moth | Elachista luticomella | Yellow-headed Grass-miner |
1844 | lep-moth | Elachista maculicerusella | Canary-grass Miner |
1845 | lep-moth | Endothenia quadrimaculana | Marsh Marble |
1846 | lep-moth | Endrosis sarcitrella | White-shouldered House-moth |
1847 | lep-moth | Ennomos alniaria | Canary-shouldered Thorn |
1848 | lep-moth | Epermenia chaerophyllella | Common Ridge-back |
1849 | lep-moth | Epiblema cirsiana | Knapweed Root-borer |
1850 | lep-moth | Epiblema costipunctata | |
1851 | lep-moth | Epiblema scutulana | Thistle Root-borer |
1852 | lep-moth | Epinotia brunnichana | Large Birch Roller |
1853 | lep-moth | Epinotia cruciana | Willow Tortrix |
1854 | lep-moth | Epinotia immundana | Birch Tortrix |
1855 | lep-moth | Epinotia nisella | Brindled Poplar Tortrix |
1856 | lep-moth | Epinotia ramella | Black-marked Tortrix |
1857 | lep-moth | Epinotia subocellana | Pale Willow Tortrix |
1858 | lep-moth | Epinotia tenerana | Nut Bud Moth |
1859 | lep-moth | Epirrhoe alternata | Common Carpet |
1860 | lep-moth | Erannis defoliaria | Mottled Umber |
1861 | lep-moth | Eriocrania salopiella | Yellow-headed Spring Jewel |
1862 | lep-moth | Eriocrania sangii | Purple Spring Jewel |
1863 | lep-moth | Eriocrania semipurpurella | Large Spring Jewel |
1864 | lep-moth | Eriocrania sparrmannella | Splendid Spring Jewel |
1865 | lep-moth | Eucosma campoliliana | Pied Tortrix |
1866 | lep-moth | Eucosma cana | Hoary Tortrix |
1867 | lep-moth | Eucosma hohenwartiana | Common Knapweed Tortrix |
1868 | lep-moth | Eudonia lacustrata | Tawny Grey |
1869 | lep-moth | Eudonia mercurella | Garden Grey |
1870 | lep-moth | Eudonia pallida | Pallid Grey |
1871 | lep-moth | Eudonia truncicolella | Peppered Grey |
1872 | lep-moth | Eugnorisma glareosa | Autumnal Rustic |
1873 | lep-moth | Eulithis prunata | Phoenix |
1874 | lep-moth | Eulithis pyraliata | Barred Straw |
1875 | lep-moth | Eulithis testata | Chevron |
1876 | lep-moth | Eupithecia abbreviata | Brindled Pug |
1877 | lep-moth | Eupithecia absinthiata | Wormwood Pug |
1878 | lep-moth | Eupithecia centaureata | Lime-speck Pug |
1879 | lep-moth | Eupithecia exiguata | Mottled Pug |
1880 | lep-moth | Eupithecia indigata | Ochreous Pug |
1881 | lep-moth | Eupithecia pulchellata | Foxglove Pug |
1882 | lep-moth | Eupithecia satyrata | Satyr Pug |
1883 | lep-moth | Eupithecia subfuscata | Grey Pug |
1884 | lep-moth | Eupithecia tenuiata | Slender Pug |
1885 | lep-moth | Eupithecia tripunctaria | White-spotted Pug |
1886 | lep-moth | Eupithecia vulgata | Common Pug |
1887 | lep-moth | Euplexia lucipara | Small Angle Shades |
1888 | lep-moth | Eupsilia transversa | Satellite |
1889 | lep-moth | Euspilapteryx auroguttella | Yellow-dotted Stilt |
1890 | lep-moth | Evergestis forficalis | Garden Pebble |
1891 | lep-moth | Exoteleia dodecella | Tufted Pine Moth |
1892 | lep-moth | Furcula furcula | Sallow Kitten |
1893 | lep-moth | Geometra papilionaria | Large Emerald |
1894 | lep-moth | Glyphipterix simpliciella | Cocksfoot Moth |
1895 | lep-moth | Glyphipterix thrasonella | Eyed Rush Moth |
1896 | lep-moth | Gortyna flavago | Frosted Orange |
1897 | lep-moth | Gracillaria syringella | Garden Stilt |
1898 | lep-moth | Graphiphora augur | Double Dart |
1899 | lep-moth | Grapholita compositella | Meadow Tortrix |
1900 | lep-moth | Grapholita jungiella | |
1901 | lep-moth | Gymnoscelis rufifasciata | Double-striped Pug |
1902 | lep-moth | Gypsonoma dealbana | Common Cloaked Tortrix |
1903 | lep-moth | Hadena rivularis | Campion |
1904 | lep-moth | Hedya nubiferana | Marbled Orchard Tortrix |
1905 | lep-moth | Helotropha leucostigma | Crescent |
1906 | lep-moth | Hepialus humuli | Ghost Moth |
1907 | lep-moth | Hepialus sylvina | Orange Swift |
1908 | lep-moth | Herminia grisealis | Small Fan-foot |
1909 | lep-moth | Herminia tarsipennalis | Fan-foot |
1910 | lep-moth | Hydraecia micacea | Rosy Rustic |
1911 | lep-moth | Hydriomena furcata | July Highflyer |
1912 | lep-moth | Hylaea fasciaria | Barred Red |
1913 | lep-moth | Hypena proboscidalis | Snout |
1914 | lep-moth | Idaea aversata | Riband Wave |
1915 | lep-moth | Idaea biselata | Small Fan-footed Wave |
1916 | lep-moth | Idaea dimidiata | Single-dotted Wave |
1917 | lep-moth | Incurvaria masculella | Feathered Cutter |
1918 | lep-moth | Incurvaria pectinea | Pale Feathered Cutter |
1919 | lep-moth | Korscheltellus fusconebulosa | Map-winged Swift |
1920 | lep-moth | Korscheltellus lupulina | Common Swift |
1921 | lep-moth | Lacanobia oleracea | Bright-line Brown-eye |
1922 | lep-moth | Lacanobia thalassina | Pale-shouldered Brocade |
1923 | lep-moth | Lampropteryx suffumata | Water Carpet |
1924 | lep-moth | Laothoe populi | Poplar Hawk-moth |
1925 | lep-moth | Lathronympha strigana | Slender Rufous Tortrix |
1926 | lep-moth | Limnaecia phragmitella | Bulrush Down Moth |
1927 | lep-moth | Lomaspilis marginata | Clouded Border |
1928 | lep-moth | Lomographa temerata | Clouded Silver |
1929 | lep-moth | Lycophotia porphyrea | True Lover's Knot |
1930 | lep-moth | Lyonetia clerkella | Apple Leaf-miner |
1931 | lep-moth | Mesapamea secalis | Common Rustic |
1932 | lep-moth | Mesoleuca albicillata | Beautiful Carpet |
1933 | lep-moth | Mesoligia literosa | Rosy Minor |
1934 | lep-moth | Metzneria metzneriella | Knapweed Seedhead Moth |
1935 | lep-moth | Micropterix aruncella | White-line Pollen-moth |
1936 | lep-moth | Mirificarma mulinella | Gorse Streak |
1937 | lep-moth | Mompha conturbatella | Great Mompha |
1938 | lep-moth | Mompha locupletella | Flame Mompha |
1939 | lep-moth | Mompha propinquella | White-headed Mompha |
1940 | lep-moth | Mompha subbistrigella | Garden Mompha |
1941 | lep-moth | Monopis weaverella | Carrion Moth |
1942 | lep-moth | Mythimna comma | Shoulder-striped Wainscot |
1943 | lep-moth | Mythimna conigera | Brown-line Bright-eye |
1944 | lep-moth | Mythimna impura | Smoky Wainscot |
1945 | lep-moth | Mythimna pallens | Common Wainscot |
1946 | lep-moth | Naenia typica | Gothic |
1947 | lep-moth | Nematopogon schwarziellus | Sandy Longhorn |
1948 | lep-moth | Neofaculta ericetella | Heather Grey |
1949 | lep-moth | Noctua comes | Lesser Yellow Underwing |
1950 | lep-moth | Noctua fimbriata | Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing |
1951 | lep-moth | Noctua janthe | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing |
1952 | lep-moth | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing |
1953 | lep-moth | Nola confusalis | Least Black Arches |
1954 | lep-moth | Notocelia cynosbatella | Black Cloak |
1955 | lep-moth | Notocelia trimaculana | Hawthorn Shoot Moth |
1956 | lep-moth | Notocelia uddmanniana | Bramble Shoot Moth |
1957 | lep-moth | Notodonta dromedarius | Iron Prominent |
1958 | lep-moth | Notodonta ziczac | Pebble Prominent |
1959 | lep-moth | Nycteola revayana | Oak Nycteoline |
1960 | lep-moth | Nymphula nitidulata | Beautiful China-mark |
1961 | lep-moth | Ochropacha duplaris | Common Lutestring |
1962 | lep-moth | Ochropleura plecta | Flame Shoulder |
1963 | lep-moth | Odezia atrata | Chimney Sweeper |
1964 | lep-moth | Odontopera bidentata | Scalloped Hazel |
1965 | lep-moth | Oligia fasciuncula | Middle-barred Minor |
1966 | lep-moth | Oligia strigilis agg. | Marbled Minor agg. |
1967 | lep-moth | Opisthograptis luteolata | Brimstone Moth |
1968 | lep-moth | Orthosia cerasi | Common Quaker |
1969 | lep-moth | Orthosia cruda | Small Quaker |
1970 | lep-moth | Orthosia gothica | Hebrew Character |
1971 | lep-moth | Orthosia gracilis | Powdered Quaker |
1972 | lep-moth | Orthosia incerta | Clouded Drab |
1973 | lep-moth | Orthotaenia undulana | Dusky Marble |
1974 | lep-moth | Ourapteryx sambucaria | Swallow-tailed Moth |
1975 | lep-moth | Pandemis cerasana | Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix |
1976 | lep-moth | Pandemis heparana | Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix |
1977 | lep-moth | Panolis flammea | Pine Beauty |
1978 | lep-moth | Parastichtis suspecta | Suspected |
1979 | lep-moth | Parornix anglicella | Hawthorn Parornix |
1980 | lep-moth | Parornix scoticella | Rowan Parornix |
1981 | lep-moth | Pasiphila rectangulata | Green Pug |
1982 | lep-moth | Peribatodes rhomboidaria | Willow Beauty |
1983 | lep-moth | Perizoma affinitata | Rivulet |
1984 | lep-moth | Perizoma albulata | Grass Rivulet |
1985 | lep-moth | Perizoma alchemillata | Small Rivulet |
1986 | lep-moth | Perizoma bifaciata | Barred Rivulet |
1987 | lep-moth | Perizoma blandiata | Pretty Pinion |
1988 | lep-moth | Perizoma didymata | Twin-spot Carpet |
1989 | lep-moth | Perizoma flavofasciata | Sandy Carpet |
1990 | lep-moth | Petrophora chlorosata | Brown Silver-line |
1991 | lep-moth | Phalera bucephala | Buff-tip |
1992 | lep-moth | Pheosia gnoma | Lesser Swallow Prominent |
1993 | lep-moth | Pheosia tremula | Swallow Prominent |
1994 | lep-moth | Phigalia pilosaria | Pale Brindled Beauty |
1995 | lep-moth | Phlogophora meticulosa | Angle Shades |
1996 | lep-moth | Photedes minima | Small Dotted Buff |
1997 | lep-moth | Phragmatobia fuliginosa | Ruby Tiger |
1998 | lep-moth | Phyllonorycter froelichiella | Large Alder Leaf-miner |
1999 | lep-moth | Phyllonorycter geniculella | Sycamore Leaf-miner |
2000 | lep-moth | Phyllonorycter harrisella | White Oak Leaf-miner |
2001 | lep-moth | Phyllonorycter hilarella | Large Willow Leaf-miner |
2002 | lep-moth | Phyllonorycter leucographella | Firethorn Leaf Miner |
2003 | lep-moth | Phyllonorycter maestingella | Beech Leaf-miner |
2004 | lep-moth | Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae | Common Thorn Leaf-miner |
2005 | lep-moth | Phyllonorycter quercifoliella | Common Oak Leaf-miner |
2006 | lep-moth | Phyllonorycter rajella | Common Alder Leaf-miner |
2007 | lep-moth | Phyllonorycter sorbi | Rowan Leaf-miner |
2008 | lep-moth | Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella | Common Birch Leaf-miner |
2009 | lep-moth | Phylloporia bistrigella | Striped Cutter |
2010 | lep-moth | Phymatopus hecta | Gold Swift |
2011 | lep-moth | Platyptilia gonodactyla | Triangle Plume |
2012 | lep-moth | Pleuroptya ruralis | Mother of Pearl |
2013 | lep-moth | Plusia festucae | Gold Spot |
2014 | lep-moth | Plusia putnami | Lempke's Gold Spot |
2015 | lep-moth | Plutella xylostella | Diamond-back Moth |
2016 | lep-moth | Poecilocampa populi | December Moth |
2017 | lep-moth | Prochoreutis myllerana | Skullcap Skeletoniser |
2018 | lep-moth | Pseudargyrotoza conwagana | Yellow-spotted Tortrix |
2019 | lep-moth | Ptilodon capucina | Coxcomb Prominent |
2020 | lep-moth | Rhigognostis incarnatella | Northern Diamond-back |
2021 | lep-moth | Rhyacia simulans | Dotted Rustic |
2022 | lep-moth | Rivula sericealis | Straw Dot |
2023 | lep-moth | Rusina ferruginea | Brown Rustic |
2024 | lep-moth | Schrankia costaestrigalis | Pinion-streaked Snout |
2025 | lep-moth | Scoliopteryx libatrix | Herald |
2026 | lep-moth | Scoparia ambigualis | Common Grey |
2027 | lep-moth | Scoparia pyralella | Brown-spot Grey |
2028 | lep-moth | Scoparia subfusca | Large Grey |
2029 | lep-moth | Scotopteryx chenopodiata | Shaded Broad-bar |
2030 | lep-moth | Scotopteryx luridata | July Belle |
2031 | lep-moth | Scrobipalpa acuminatella | Common Thistle Miner |
2032 | lep-moth | Selenia dentaria | Early Thorn |
2033 | lep-moth | Selenia lunularia | Lunar Thorn |
2034 | lep-moth | Sesia bembeciformis | Lunar Hornet Moth |
2035 | lep-moth | Spilosoma lubricipeda | White Ermine |
2036 | lep-moth | Spilosoma luteum | |
2037 | lep-moth | Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla | Twin-spot Plume |
2038 | lep-moth | Stenoptilia pterodactyla | Brown Plume |
2039 | lep-moth | Stigmella alnetella | Silver-barred Alder Dot |
2040 | lep-moth | Stigmella anomalella | Rose Dot |
2041 | lep-moth | Stigmella aurella | Golden Dot |
2042 | lep-moth | Stigmella confusella | Pale Birch Dot |
2043 | lep-moth | Stigmella crataegella | Hawthorn Dot |
2044 | lep-moth | Stigmella hemargyrella | Beech Dot |
2045 | lep-moth | Stigmella hybnerella | Shining Hawthorn Dot |
2046 | lep-moth | Stigmella lapponica | Grey Birch Dot |
2047 | lep-moth | Stigmella luteella | Short-barred Dot |
2048 | lep-moth | Stigmella oxyacanthella | Fruit-tree Dot |
2049 | lep-moth | Stigmella ruficapitella | Red-headed Dot |
2050 | lep-moth | Stigmella salicis | Sallow Dot |
2051 | lep-moth | Stigmella sorbi | Barred Rowan Dot |
2052 | lep-moth | Stigmella tityrella | Small Beech Dot |
2053 | lep-moth | Swammerdamia caesiella | Birch Drab |
2054 | lep-moth | Syndemis musculana | Dark-barred Tortrix |
2055 | lep-moth | Thera britannica | Spruce Carpet |
2056 | lep-moth | Thera firmata | Pine Carpet |
2057 | lep-moth | Thera obeliscata | Grey Pine Carpet |
2058 | lep-moth | Thyatira batis | Peach Blossom |
2059 | lep-moth | Tiliacea citrago | Orange Sallow |
2060 | lep-moth | Tinea semifulvella | Orange-tipped Nest Moth |
2061 | lep-moth | Tineola bisselliella | Common Clothes Moth |
2062 | lep-moth | Trichopteryx carpinata | Early Tooth-striped |
2063 | lep-moth | Tyria jacobaeae | Cinnabar |
2064 | lep-moth | Udea lutealis | Pale Straw Pearl |
2065 | lep-moth | Udea olivalis | Garden Pearl |
2066 | lep-moth | Udea prunalis | Dusky Pearl |
2067 | lep-moth | Xanthia icteritia | Sallow |
2068 | lep-moth | Xanthia togata | Pink-barred Sallow |
2069 | lep-moth | Xanthorhoe designata | Flame Carpet |
2070 | lep-moth | Xanthorhoe fluctuata | Garden Carpet |
2071 | lep-moth | Xanthorhoe montanata | Silver-ground Carpet |
2072 | lep-moth | Xestia baja | Dotted Clay |
2073 | lep-moth | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character |
2074 | lep-moth | Xestia sexstrigata | Six-striped Rustic |
2075 | lep-moth | Xestia triangulum | Double Square-spot |
2076 | lep-moth | Xestia xanthographa | Square-spot Rustic |
2077 | lep-moth | Xylena vetusta | Red Sword-grass |
2078 | lep-moth | Xylocampa areola | Early Grey |
2079 | lep-moth | Yponomeuta evonymella | Bird-cherry Ermine |
2080 | lep-moth | Ypsolopha dentella | Honeysuckle Moth |
2081 | lep-moth | Ypsolopha parenthesella | White-shouldered Ochre |
2082 | lep-moth | Ypsolopha sequella | Pied Rabbit Moth |
2083 | lep-moth | Ypsolopha ustella | Varied Ochre |
2084 | lep-moth | Zelotherses paleana | Timothy Tortrix |
2085 | lep-moth | Zygaena filipendulae | Six-spot Burnet |
2086 | lep-butterfly | Aglais io | Peacock |
2087 | lep-butterfly | Aglais urticae | Small Tortoiseshell |
2088 | lep-butterfly | Anthocharis cardamines | Orange Tip |
2089 | lep-butterfly | Aphantopus hyperantus | Ringlet |
2090 | lep-butterfly | Argynnis aglaja | Dark Green Fritillary |
2091 | lep-butterfly | Boloria selene | Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary |
2092 | lep-butterfly | Coenonympha pamphilus | Small Heath |
2093 | lep-butterfly | Colias croceus | Clouded Yellow |
2094 | lep-butterfly | Cynthia cardui | Painted Lady |
2095 | lep-butterfly | Elipolepsis rosae | Robin's Pin Cushion |
2096 | lep-butterfly | Lasiommata megera | Wall |
2097 | lep-butterfly | Lycaena phlaeas | Small Copper |
2098 | lep-butterfly | Maniola jurtina | Meadow Brown |
2099 | lep-butterfly | Pararge aegeria | Speckled Wood |
2100 | lep-butterfly | Pieris brassicae | Large White |
2101 | lep-butterfly | Pieris napi | Green-veined White |
2102 | lep-butterfly | Pieris rapae | Small White |
2103 | lep-butterfly | Polygonia c-album | Comma |
2104 | lep-butterfly | Polyommatus icarus | Common Blue |
2105 | lep-butterfly | Vanessa atalanta | Red Admiral |
2106 | hymenoptera | Achaius oratorius | a Parastic Wasp |
2107 | hymenoptera | Aglaostigma aucupariae | A sawfly |
2108 | hymenoptera | Amblyteles armatorius | a Parastic Wasp |
2109 | hymenoptera | Andrena clarkella | Clarke's Mining Bee |
2110 | hymenoptera | Andrena helvola | A mining Bee |
2111 | hymenoptera | Andricus lignicola | Cola-nut gall causer |
2112 | hymenoptera | Andricus quercuscalicis | Knopper Gall Wasp |
2113 | hymenoptera | Apis mellifera | Honey Bee |
2114 | hymenoptera | Aptesis nigrocincta | A parasitic wasp |
2115 | hymenoptera | Arge ciliarus | A sawfly |
2116 | hymenoptera | Arge ustulata | A sawfly |
2117 | hymenoptera | Athalia cordata | A sawfly |
2118 | hymenoptera | Athalia rosae | Turnip sawfly |
2119 | hymenoptera | Bombus hortorum | Small Garden Bumble Bee |
2120 | hymenoptera | Bombus hypnorum | Tree Bumblebee |
2121 | hymenoptera | Bombus lapidarius | Red-tailed Bumblebee |
2122 | hymenoptera | Bombus lucorum | White-tailed Bumblebee |
2123 | hymenoptera | Bombus pascuorum | Common Carder Bee |
2124 | hymenoptera | Bombus pratorum | Early Bumblebee |
2125 | hymenoptera | Bombus terrestris | Buff-tailed Bumblebee |
2126 | hymenoptera | Chasmius atricillus | a Parastic Wasp |
2127 | hymenoptera | Chasmius motatorius | a Parastic Wasp |
2128 | hymenoptera | Cimbex femoratus | Birch Sawfly |
2129 | hymenoptera | Crossocerus elongatulus | A solitary wasp |
2130 | hymenoptera | Crossocerus megacephalus | A solitary wasp |
2131 | hymenoptera | Crossocerus podagricus | A solitary wasp |
2132 | hymenoptera | Dineura virididorsata | A sawfly |
2133 | hymenoptera | Dolerus bimaculatus | A sawfly |
2134 | hymenoptera | Dolerus gonager | A sawfly |
2135 | hymenoptera | Dolerus niger | A sawfly |
2136 | hymenoptera | Dolichovespula sylvestris | Tree Wasp |
2137 | hymenoptera | Ectemnius cavifrons | a Square-headed Wasp |
2138 | hymenoptera | Ectemnius continuus | a Square-headed Wasp |
2139 | hymenoptera | Elipolepsis rosae | Robin's Pin Cushion |
2140 | hymenoptera | Empria pallimacula | A sawfly |
2141 | hymenoptera | Enclisis macilenta | a Parastic Wasp |
2142 | hymenoptera | Euura leucolenus | A sawfly |
2143 | hymenoptera | Euura myosotodis | A sawfly |
2144 | hymenoptera | Halictus rubicundus | Yellow-legged Furrow Bee |
2145 | hymenoptera | Ichneumon albiger | a Parastic Wasp |
2146 | hymenoptera | Ichneumon extensorius | a Parastic Wasp |
2147 | hymenoptera | Ichneumon stramentarius | a Parastic Wasp |
2148 | hymenoptera | Lasioglossum cupromicans | Turquoise Furrow Bee |
2149 | hymenoptera | Lasioglossum sp. | A mining bee |
2150 | hymenoptera | Lasius niger | Black Garden Ant |
2151 | hymenoptera | Lissonata sp. | a Parastic Wasp |
2152 | hymenoptera | Myrmica ruginodis | an Ant |
2153 | hymenoptera | Netelia (Bessobates) virgatus | a Parastic Wasp |
2154 | hymenoptera | Neuroterus quercusbaccarum | Common Spangle Gall wasp |
2155 | hymenoptera | Nysson spinosus | A digger wasp |
2156 | hymenoptera | Ophion obscuratus | a Parastic Wasp |
2157 | hymenoptera | Pachyprotasis-rapae | A sawfly |
2158 | hymenoptera | Pontania bridgmanii | Willow Bean sawfly |
2159 | hymenoptera | Psithyrus sylvestris | a Cuckoo-bee |
2160 | hymenoptera | Pteromalus elevatus | A wasp |
2161 | hymenoptera | Rhogogaster punctulata | A sawfly |
2162 | hymenoptera | Scambus elegans | A parasitic wasp |
2163 | hymenoptera | Scolioneura betuleti | A sawfly in Betula |
2164 | hymenoptera | Syrphoctonus tarsatorius | A diplazontine wasp |
2165 | hymenoptera | Tenthredo arcuata | |
2166 | hymenoptera | Tenthredo colon | A sawfly |
2167 | hymenoptera | Tenthredo ferruginea | A sawfly |
2168 | hymenoptera | Tenthredo livida | A sawfly |
2169 | hymenoptera | Tenthredo mesomela | A sawfly |
2170 | hymenoptera | Tenthredopsis nassata | A sawfly |
2171 | hymenoptera | Trypoxylon attenuatum | Slender Wood Borer Wasp |
2172 | hymenoptera | Vespula rufa | Red Wasp |
2173 | hymenoptera | Vespula vulgaris | Common Wasp |
2174 | insect-other | Amphigerontia contaminata | Psocoptera |
2175 | insect-other | Baetis rhodani | A mayfly |
2176 | insect-other | Caecilius flavidus | Psocoptera |
2177 | insect-other | Chilenocaecilius ornatipennis | A barkfly |
2178 | insect-other | Chrysopa perla | A lacewing |
2179 | insect-other | Ctenophthalmus nobilis | Siphonaptera |
2180 | insect-other | Dasypsyllus gallinulae | Moorhen Flea |
2181 | insect-other | Ectopsocus petersi | A bark-louse |
2182 | insect-other | Ectopsocus sp. | Psocoptera |
2183 | insect-other | Elipsocus hyalinus | Psocoptera |
2184 | insect-other | Ephemerella ignita | |
2185 | insect-other | Epicaecilius pilipennis | A bark-louse |
2186 | insect-other | Glyphotaelius pellucidus | A Caddisfly |
2187 | insect-other | Grammotaulius atomarius | A Caddisfly |
2188 | insect-other | Grammotaulius nigropunctatus | A Caddisfly |
2189 | insect-other | Halesus radiatus | A Caddisfly |
2190 | insect-other | Hemerobius humulinus | A brown lacewing |
2191 | insect-other | Hystrichopsylla talpae | Siphonaptera |
2192 | insect-other | Isoperla grammatica | A Stonefly |
2193 | insect-other | Leuctra hippopus | A Stonefly |
2194 | insect-other | Limnephilus affinis | A Caddisfly |
2195 | insect-other | Limnephilus flavicornus | A Caddisfly |
2196 | insect-other | Limnephilus incisus | A Caddisfly |
2197 | insect-other | Limnephilus lunatus | A Caddisfly |
2198 | insect-other | Limnephilus marmoratus | Cinnamon Sedge |
2199 | insect-other | Limnephilus stigma | A Caddisfly |
2200 | insect-other | Limnephilus vittatus | A Caddisfly |
2201 | insect-other | Malaraeus penicilliger | Siphonaptera |
2202 | insect-other | Megabothris turbidus | Siphonaptera |
2203 | insect-other | Micropterna lateralis | A caddisfly |
2204 | insect-other | Nemoura cinerea | A Stonefly |
2205 | insect-other | Nemurella picteti | A Stonefly |
2206 | insect-other | Nothochrysa capitata | A lacewing |
2207 | insect-other | Panorpa germanica | A Scorpionfly |
2208 | insect-other | Phryganea grandis | A Caddisfly |
2209 | insect-other | Rhyacophila dorsalis | A caseless caddisfly |
2210 | insect-other | Sialis sp. | Alderfly |
2211 | fish | Esox lucius | Northern Pike |
2212 | fish | Gasterosteus aculeatus | Three-spined Stickleback |
2213 | fish | Rutilus rutilus | Roach |
2214 | fish | Scardinius erythrophthalmus | Rudd |
2215 | fish | Tinca tinca | Tench |
2216 | reptile | Zootoca vivipara | Common Lizard |
2217 | amphibian | Bufo bufo | Common Toad |
2218 | amphibian | Lissotriton helveticus | Palmate newt |
2219 | amphibian | Rana temporaria | Common Frog |
2220 | bird | Accipiter gentilis | Goshawk |
2221 | bird | Accipiter nisus | Sparrowhawk |
2222 | bird | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Sedge Warbler |
2223 | bird | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Reed Warbler |
2224 | bird | Aegithalos caudatus | Long-tailed Tit |
2225 | bird | Alauda arvensis | Skylark |
2226 | bird | Alcedo atthis | Kingfisher |
2227 | bird | Anas acuta | Pintail |
2228 | bird | Anas clypeata | Shoveler |
2229 | bird | Anas crecca | Teal |
2230 | bird | Anas platyrhynchos | Mallard |
2231 | bird | Anas querquedula | Garganey |
2232 | bird | Anser anser | Greylag Goose |
2233 | bird | Anser brachyrhynchus | Pink-footed Goose |
2234 | bird | Anthus pratensis | Meadow Pipit |
2235 | bird | Anthus trivialis | Tree Pipit |
2236 | bird | Apus apus | Swift |
2237 | bird | Ardea alba | Great White Egret |
2238 | bird | Ardea cinerea | Grey Heron |
2239 | bird | Asio flammeus | Long-eared Owl |
2240 | bird | Asio otus | Short-eared Owl |
2241 | bird | Aythya | Greater Scaup |
2242 | bird | Aythya | Pochard |
2243 | bird | Aythya | Tufted Duck |
2244 | bird | Bombycilla | Waxwing |
2245 | bird | Branta | Canada Goose |
2246 | bird | Bucephala clangula | Goldeneye |
2247 | bird | Buteo buteo | Buzzard |
2248 | bird | Calidris | Curlew Sandpiper |
2249 | bird | Calidris | Dunlin |
2250 | bird | Calidris | Pectoral Sandpiper |
2251 | bird | Calidris | Ruff |
2252 | bird | Calidris | Temminck's Stint |
2253 | bird | Caprimulgus | Nightjar |
2254 | bird | Carduelis | Goldfinch |
2255 | bird | Carduelis | Lesser Redpoll |
2256 | bird | Carduelis | Linnet |
2257 | bird | Carduelis | Siskin |
2258 | bird | Certhia | Treecreeper |
2259 | bird | Charadrius | Ringed Plover |
2260 | bird | Chloris | Greenfinch |
2261 | bird | Chroicocephalus | Black-headed Gull |
2262 | bird | Cinclus cinclus | Dipper |
2263 | bird | Circus | Hen Harrier |
2264 | bird | Circus | Marsh Harrier |
2265 | bird | Columba | Rock Dove (Feral Pigeon) |
2266 | bird | Columba | Stock Dove |
2267 | bird | Columba | Woodpigeon |
2268 | bird | Corvus | Carrion Crow |
2269 | bird | Corvus | Jackdaw |
2270 | bird | Corvus | Raven |
2271 | bird | Corvus | Rook |
2272 | bird | Coturnix coturnix | Quail |
2273 | bird | Cuculus | Cuckoo |
2274 | bird | Cyanistes | Blue Tit |
2275 | bird | Cygnus cygnus | Whooper Swan |
2276 | bird | Cygnus olor | Mute Swan |
2277 | bird | Delichon | House Martin |
2278 | bird | Dendrocopos | Great Spotted Woodpecker |
2279 | bird | Emberiza | Reed Bunting |
2280 | bird | Emberiza | Yellowhammer |
2281 | bird | Erithacus | Robin |
2282 | bird | Falco | Kestrel |
2283 | bird | Falco | Merlin |
2284 | bird | Falco | Peregrine |
2285 | bird | Fringilla | Brambling |
2286 | bird | Fringilla | Chaffinch |
2287 | bird | Fulica | Coot |
2288 | bird | Gallinago | Snipe |
2289 | bird | Gallinula | Moorhen |
2290 | bird | Garrulus | Jay |
2291 | bird | Gavia | Great Northern Diver |
2292 | bird | Haematopus | Oystercatcher |
2293 | bird | Haliaeetus | White-tailed Eagle |
2294 | bird | Hirundo | Swallow |
2295 | bird | Ichthyaetus melanocephalus | Mediterranean Gull |
2296 | bird | Larus | Common Gull |
2297 | bird | Larus | Great Black-backed Gull |
2298 | bird | Larus | Herring Gull |
2299 | bird | Larus | Lesser Black-backed Gull |
2300 | bird | Limosa | Black-tailed Godwit |
2301 | bird | Locustella | Grasshopper Warbler |
2302 | bird | Loxia | Common Crossbill |
2303 | bird | Lymnocryptes | Jack Snipe |
2304 | bird | Mareca penelope | Wigeon |
2305 | bird | Mareca strepera | Gadwall |
2306 | bird | Mergus | Goosander |
2307 | bird | Mergus | Red-breasted Merganser |
2308 | bird | Merops | European Bee-eater |
2309 | bird | Miliaria | Corn Bunting |
2310 | bird | Motacilla | Grey Wagtail |
2311 | bird | Motacilla | Pied Wagtail |
2312 | bird | Muscicapa | Spotted Flycatcher |
2313 | bird | Numenius | Curlew |
2314 | bird | Numenius | Whimbrel |
2315 | bird | Oenanthe | Northern Wheatear |
2316 | bird | Oxyura | Ruddy Duck |
2317 | bird | Pandion | Osprey |
2318 | bird | Parus | Great Tit |
2319 | bird | Passer | Tree Sparrow |
2320 | bird | Passer domesticus | House Sparrow |
2321 | bird | Perdix perdix | Grey Partridge |
2322 | bird | Periparus | Coal Tit |
2323 | bird | Phalacrocorax | Cormorant |
2324 | bird | Phasianus | Pheasant |
2325 | bird | Phylloscopus | Chiffchaff |
2326 | bird | Phylloscopus | Willow Warbler |
2327 | bird | Pica | Magpie |
2328 | bird | Picus | Green Woodpecker |
2329 | bird | Pluvialis | Golden Plover |
2330 | bird | Podiceps | Black-necked Grebe |
2331 | bird | Podiceps | Great Crested Grebe |
2332 | bird | Prunella | Dunnock |
2333 | bird | Pyrrhula | Bullfinch |
2334 | bird | Rallus rallus | Water Rail |
2335 | bird | Regulus regulus | Goldcrest |
2336 | bird | Riparia | Sand Martin |
2337 | bird | Saxicola | Stonechat |
2338 | bird | Saxicola | Whinchat |
2339 | bird | Scolopax | Woodcock |
2340 | bird | Streptopelia | Collared Dove |
2341 | bird | Strix aluco | Tawny Owl |
2342 | bird | Sturnus | Starling |
2343 | bird | Sylvia | Blackcap |
2344 | bird | Sylvia Borin | Garden Warbler |
2345 | bird | Sylvia communis | Whitethroat |
2346 | bird | Sylvia curruca | Lesser Whitethroat |
2347 | bird | Tachybaptus | Little Grebe |
2348 | bird | Tadorna tadorna | Shelduck |
2349 | bird | Tringa | Redshank |
2350 | bird | Tringa | Spotted Redshank |
2351 | bird | Tringa | Wood Sandpiper |
2352 | bird | Tringa nebularia | Greenshank |
2353 | bird | Tringa ochropus | Green Sandpiper |
2354 | bird | Tringa ochropus | Common Sandpiper |
2355 | bird | Troglodytes troglodytes | Wren |
2356 | bird | Turdus iliacus | Redwing |
2357 | bird | Turdus merula | Blackbird |
2358 | bird | Turdus viscivorus | Mistle Thrush |
2359 | bird | Turdusphilomelos | Song Thrush |
2360 | bird | Turduspilaris | Fieldfare |
2361 | bird | Tyto alba | Barn Owl |
2362 | bird | Vanellus vanellus | Lapwing |
2363 | mammal | Arvicola amphibius | Water Vole |
2364 | mammal | Capreolus capreolus | Roe Deer |
2365 | mammal | Homo sapiens | Human |
2366 | mammal | Lepus europaeus | Brown Hare |
2367 | mammal | Lutra lutra | Otter |
2368 | mammal | Martes martes | Pine marten |
2369 | mammal | Meles meles | Badger |
2370 | mammal | Microtus arvalis | Vole |
2371 | mammal | Mustela erminea | Stoat |
2372 | mammal | Mustela nivalis | Weasel |
2373 | mammal | Mustela vison | Mink |
2374 | mammal | Oryctolagus cunniculus | Rabbit |
2375 | mammal | Pipistrellus pygmaeus | Soprano Pipistrelle |
2376 | mammal | Sciurus carolinensis | Grey Squirrel |
2377 | mammal | Sorex araneus | Common Shrew |
2378 | mammal | Talpa europaeus | Mole |
| mammal | Vulpes vulpes | Fox |
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