Thursday, January 20, 2022

NT18 plants: Goodbye, Rubus ... erm ... Thursday

 ... or possibly hello with this multi access Rubus key

Rubus key

NT18 list for 2022 stands at 225 after a whirlwind tour of south-central Fife with Seth yesterday turned up goodies new and old (my favourite was Spiked Water-milfoil Seth found while grabbing some Lagarosiphon, Curly Waterweed). Shock of the day was discovering the Biting Stonecrop on my driveway is actually Tasteless Stonecrop, so I need to nail down some actual Biting Stonecrop! I first recorded this in NT1582, so I'm bracing myself to discover the whole lot is not Biting. (However I can see a difference in leaf shape so I'm moderately unphased ... moderately ...)

Added a few known quantities today, with Slender Saint-John's Wort, Bugle, Floating Sweet-grass and Black Spleenwort. Wondering if it might be possible to hit half the 500 target by end of January. That would be a good start. I've seen 30% of all species recorded in NT18, 45% of my 500 target, and 47% of all species I've seen in NT18. I've seen 15 new plants in 2022 so far, though two were outside the square.

Still debating whether Callitriche brutia var hamata is clear enough, as it appears to be in both the Poland & Clement key and in the Aquatic Plants (FSC) key. Trying to find the contact for the BSBI water plants referee for a thumbs up. No doubt there WILL be at least one Callitriche species on my list by end of 2022, but hopefully several.

Callitriche, probably (?) brutia

(edit: barely finished typing when I figured this was Callitriche stagnalis, from the Cullaloe Hills, NT1888. It has no strappy lower leaves


Here's what the list looks like now:

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