So yesterday I bumped into someone who told me there was a Glaucous Gull at Burntisland Harbour. Hmm. That sounded like it might be within my 5MR area, but then I checked the directions it was 6.9 miles away. Damn! However, that was only the road distance, so it turned out the diameter of my circle exactly encompassed the harbour. Yay!
We had planned to go and feed the ducks with the boy at a nearby pond (Kinghorn Loch, RN Duck, definitely outside 5MR). On the way we passed a layby full of whale twitchers and I pulled into the last available space. 5 minutes later there was a spout and a fin broke the water - hooray!
Arriving at Burntisland station, adjacent to the harbour, I grabbed a couple of slices of duck/goose bread and flung a few bits to the edge of the harbour. 30 seconds later in come 20 or so gulls, one of which was the young Glaucous. Well, that was too easy! Very nice, though. I didn't even have my phone, so not even a sketchy pic of either, sadly. They're available online already if anyone wants a look.
A. Whale; B. Glaucous Gull |
This morning I also spent an hour rockpooling in freezing temperatures. That wasn't half bad, either. More later.
(edit: I could only remember seeing Glaucous Gull in South Uist before and sure enough it's the first addition to my Fife list since 2015! (Ring-billed Gull))
(edit edit: it was N.Uist in 2005 before racing back to Fife for Squacco Heron)