Monday, February 14, 2022

NT18 - Inverkeithing

NT1282, a square with a harbour, a railway line, a park and ride/bus station, allotments and a cemetery, is surely a square with potential. Over 50 spp., recorded but with nothing particularly out of the ordinary, except this rampant Persian Ivy. It has the ize, the leaf shape, the smell, the red petioles, but I couldn't find any of the stellate hairs, which was disappointing. I guess I need to snag a younger part of the plant.

I only managed a wander down the main road and a bit bordering the allotments. There were, as usual, some mystery plants, so I expect there might be yet some surprises in store here.

I also stumbled across, almost literally, this giant puffball, which must have looked lovely last year

A promising looking pile of mulch yielded almost nothing on the beetle front, which was disappointing. I figure it was quite a new pile and hasn't been populated yet.


  1. You'll need a microscope for the hairs on that ivy, handlenses are of no use at all!

    1. Ta. I can't see any even under the microscope!
