Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Dalbeath Marsh

A random foray into a place I haven't visited for a long time. So long, in fact, that I hadn't been aware of the Greater Tussock Sedge that's pretty prominent there. 

New to me was a mayfly that I would have normally ignored, except I recently discovered that I had bought a field guide and immediately forgotten it. Turned out to be a Pond Olive (Cloeon dipterum), which has no hind wings (hence dipterum), and the most outrageous eyes, which apparently are useful for picking out females in a swarm (the theory goes). 

A bonus for the visit was first-for-VC85 (and me) weevil Limnobaris dolorosa, which is a muncher of Sedges and Sedges. I don't have a good photo, so this'll have to do for now.

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