Sunday, March 6, 2022

NT18: If you go down in the woods today...

The small woodlands scattered across NT18 have turned up numerous surprises. They all seem to have something different in them. Another wander up Letham Hill between Dalgety Bay and Inverkeithing proved there was more than one plant of Stinking Hellebore. in fact, it's everywhere! Besides the patch below there are numerous individuals scattered across the hill.

Besides that, it must be about the most dull square in the hectad (so far). Note the complete absence of ground layer here.

A square in the SE corner of Dunfermline, close to where my office was, is infested with Spurge-laurel, which was new to me, at least insofar as recording is concerned. I don't remember seeing it before, though. I wonder if these are a result of my not bothering to look for plants in the early parts of the year.

Crow Wood in Dalgety Bay has a secret stash of Lords-and-ladies, which is now popping up all over, along with a sizeable patch of Winter Heliotrope..

Before too long I'll pop along to see if I can catch up with Siberian Squill, which is (at least, was) widely naturalised in Wemyss Kirk Wood, though it isn't in NT18. Somehow each random patch of wood seems to have adopted its own specialty. Townhill Wood has a large area of Creeping Comfrey

Neither the Comfrey nor the Spurge-laurel were recorded before in NT18, and it feels like even the most apparently tedious wood is going to cough up something of note. One can but hope.


  1. Siberian Squill, y'say? Hmmm....interesting, very interesting.....

  2. See if you can suss that black spot on the comfrey leaves. I've seen it before (in Co. Durham) but drew a complete blank, even though it looks really obvious.
